Music Monday – “And all I can do is read a book to stay awake/And it rips my life away, but it’s a great escape”

“No Rain” – Blind Melon

(What happened to iconic 90s image, Bee Girl?)

Secular Sunday – Jesus Is Always There…

Saturday Snap – Halloween In Still A Month Away, Right?

…but yet I came upon Sasha dressed like this and having a very unusual tea party.  Not sure if I should be proud or scared of her creativity! 😉

Friday Fun Link – Visualizing Why Americans Increasingly Use Sub-Titles

Not understanding accents.

Poor sound mixing.

Helps overcome noisy distractions while watching.  (Ironically as I type this, Sasha is literally digging in the fridge asking if we have any yoghurt as Shea and I (try to) watch “Daisy Jones and the Six” – and yes, we have sub-titles on!)

Bad hearing

Not necessarily bad hearing as Gen Z uses sub-titles more than any age group.)


Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Hammy Warhol (April 2012)

Wisdom Wednesday – The Difference Between Control and Support

They may be introverted or extroverted, new to the role or with years of experience, heavily trained in management theory or have developed their approach through real-life experience.

But, at the end of the day, there are really only two kinds of managers – those who see their role to control others and those who see their role to support others.

The controlling ones are the micromanagers who ask you do to something then end up doing it ten minutes later anyhow since you didn’t do it immediately and probably wouldn’t do it right anyhow.

The supportive ones are the ones who ask you what you need to get a task done, check in to see how you’re doing and find ways to help you achieve the goal but otherwise stay out of the way.

What’s interesting in my experience is that there is a direct correlation between the amount of trust that staff have for the controlling type (not much!) versus the amount of trust that staff have for the supportive type (a lot!)

There’s some irony that the controlling ones often are that way because they don’t trust themselves!  They lack confidence in their own abilities or their experience.  They worry about getting in trouble or how they’ll be perceived by others.  Meanwhile, the supportive ones tend to have a lot of self-confidence and will generally do the right thing or make the right call without over-thinking it or relying on others or whatever.

Insane Sub-Two Hour Marathon Run

Music Monday – “All last autumn did my time shovelling the shit/On a Kremlin backed twitter-posting troll farm/I get in, I get in, I get in, I get in on time”

“Kremlin Backed Twitter Posting Troll Farm” – James Hargreaves (cover)
(Sorry, couldn’t find a version by the original artist but this song title alone makes it too good not to post!)

Secular Sunday – Regina Pastor Charged With Possession of Child Pornography

I wonder if anybody’s keeping track of how many people who are directly connected to or strongly affiliated with religion are being arrested for child porn/sexual abuse-type crimes versus how many people from the LGBTQ+ community are?

Saturday Snap – Aunt Sandi Returns!

It was a somewhat spontaneous decision but my aunt, who already visits from BC and stays with us for about a month every spring, decided to come back and will be staying with us for a few weeks again.