Category Archives: SecularSunday

Secular Sunday – Happy Belated Easter!

Secular Sunday – “At the age of 16, Annelise Michel began blacking out at school…”

At the age of 16, Annelise Michel began blacking out at school and would soon start convulsing, vomiting, eating spiders, and coal, and even drinking her own urine. After undergoing 67 exorcisms, she died in 1976. She died of malnutrition, for which her parents and… — Fascinating (@fasc1nate) March 19, 2024

Secular Sunday – The McRib is Back!

Secular Sunday – God Works in Mysterious Ways

This is probably too soon and I’m going to burn in hell for saying it. But if you’re religious, you probably think 45 pilgrims dying and one 8-year old girl surviving means that little girl is blessed by god and not that there is no god (or if there is, he doesn’t really interact in […]

Secular Sunday – Elvis Presley Wedding Chapel

Did I mention we’re going to Vegas for Easter?   What’s that old line – if money is your God, then Vegas is Heaven?  And I think that makes Elvis the analogy’s Jesus. 😉

Secular Sunday – Bacon Is Our God

Secular Sunday – “Physicians said the little boy likely died an “exquisitely painful” death as a result.”

In 1998, two-year-old Harrison Johnson was stung 432 times after disturbing a yellow jacket's nest while his Melbourne family was visiting friends in Tampa. Harrison's parents asked neighborhood children and local church members to pray for him, but they did not call for… — Morbid Knowledge (@Morbidful) February 20, 2024

Secular Sunday – Spoiler Alert: They Did Not Retrieve The Missionary’s Body

In 2018, John Allen Chau attempted to make contact with the people on North Sentinel Island. North Sentinel Island is the home of the Sentinalese, an indigenous people who have chosen voluntary isolation. They have consistently safeguarded their protected seclusion from… — Morbid Knowledge (@Morbidful) February 5, 2024 The Sentinelese tribe in brief […]

Secular Sunday – “I do rape all I want. And the amount I want to rape is zero. [The fact these people need to believe someone is watching over them to stop them raping and murdering is the most self-damning thing I can imagine.]”

Secular Sunday – “It’s Sheer Bullshit” (Richard Dawkins on Jordan Peterson’s Theology)