Friday Fun Link – “Creep” (But The Genre Keeps Changing)

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Mom’s Lifetime SUN Membership Acceptance Speech (sometime in 2013)

I was so proud of my mom getting her lifetime membership in the Sask Union of Nurses ten years ago.  Great speech and you can see where I got a lot of my personal values about supporting workers and treating others with empathy and respect.

Wisdom Wednesday – “What If You’re Both Right?”

This was a lesson I learned from my first manager at RPL (who also happened to be the Manager of HR so had tons of great insights into managing people, dealing with conflict and so on.)

The context was that I was in a very unique role as Organizational Development Specialist, responsible for all staff training but also for a more nebulous “change management/organizational culture” work as RPL was heading towards some major changes – a staff reorganization and joining a province-wide library consortium.

I had proposed something that I thought would help staff with change management as we moved towards these huge organizational changes and though my immediate manager thought it was a good idea, it got shot down by a senior manager who didn’t think it would work.  (“Find Ways To Say Yes/Why Not Try It?” is going to be a future post!) 😉

I was venting to my manager that the rationale for shooting it down didn’t give much credit to the RPL staff – I said that most RPL staff were friendly, outgoing, customer-service oriented people but the senior manager saw them as very rule-based and suspicious of change.

He thought about it for a second then said “What if you’re both right?”

I didn’t really know what he meant at the time but it became clear when we did one of our quarterly “Librarian Forums” and put the assembled librarians from across the organization (about 30 of us at the time) through the True Colours personality test.

Like Myers-Briggs, these tests aren’t heavily scientific but can provide a useful shorthand for interacting with others who see the world differently.

And when we got our results, it was exactly what my boss had said.

Only a couple librarians had Green as their dominant trait – analytical and data-driven.  Only a couple librarians were Red/Orange as their main trait – creative and imaginative.  Of the remaining librarians, there was an exactly equal split between the Blues – people pleasing and Yellow/Gold – rule-based and deferential to authority.

It was a good reminder that it’s not always about “you’re wrong and I’m right” but more that people have different approaches and different personalities and if you want to reach someone, sometimes it helps to understand where they’re coming from.

(I also remember one of the only two Reds in the room saying that if she wanted to get buy-in from her boss who happened to be one of only a couple Greens, she would send a spreadsheet instead of a written document since she knew he was analytical and data-driven.)

Music Monday – “So if you’re lost and on your own/You can never surrender/And if your path won’t lead you home/You can never surrender”

Never Surrender” (cover) – Hawksley Workman

Secular Sunday – Least Religious Countries Are…

…the most peaceful for some reason.

Saturday Snap – National Day for Truth & Reconciliation (Words vs. Actions)

I recently wrote about the gap that often exists between words and action.

This may be the most egregious example I’ve ever seen:

Friday Fun Link – Rona Sent Multiple Emails Asking Me To Review The 30×50 Blue Polyethylene Tarp I Bought

So I did.

Then, after all their asking, not sure why they rejected my review! 😉

Greatest Tarp of All-Time?  Greatest Tarp of All-Time!
I wasn’t sure what to expect when i ordered this 30×50 blue polyethylene tarp that was listed on the Rona web site. But I was pleasantly surprised to receive a 30×50 blue polyethylene tarp.

I haven’t actually opened it but since Rona keeps sending me reminders to review this item, I want to share that I fully expect that, when opened, this tarp will measure 30×50 and be blue and made of polyethylene.

Also it will cover the gazebo that I want covered this winter.

At least I hope so as I haven’t opened it yet.

Also it is blue and 30×50 and made of polyethylene.

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Peet Family Reunion (Summer 1983?)

Wisdom Wednesday – Actions, Not Words

UPS, A For-Profit Private Company Is Closing For NDTR

I’ve been thinking about actions vs. words a lot lately.

One of the things that really brought home this important distinction was when I had to leave the Regent Place branch of Regina Public Library after eight years as Branch Head following a re-org of supervisors and managers.

It was a pretty emotional time and I remember gathering with a bunch of the staff on one of my last days to chat and reminisce.

“You know, I hope you guys know that when I thanked you for all your work as we walked to our cars at the end of every shift, I meant it!”

“We know you meant it, Jason” one staff member replied. “Do you know why? Because you backed up your words with actions – with how you treated us, with how you led the branch, with how you related to the customers.”

I said to a colleague recently that once you start seeing things in terms of actions instead of words, you can’t unsee them.

A few examples:

  • People who have pronouns in their email sig file but misgender people repeatedly.
  • Bosses who thank “the team” for their hard work then go to the bargaining table and try to make working conditions or pay worse for that same hard-working team.
  • Land acknowledgements read by people wearing mass produced orange t-shirts which aren’t designed by Indigenous artists or purchased from Indigenous-owned businesses.
  • Being lectured about being responsible for the municipal tax dollar but then using Amazon as a major supplier instead of spending local to support the businesses and workers whose taxes keep the library funded.
  • Preaching customer service but then not providing detailed, sufficient training to ensure employees are in a position to deliver that strong customer service

Those are a few quick examples off the top of my head.  And I’m not saying I’m perfect in any or all of these areas (far from it!) or that I don’t do say and do things performatively as well.  But I struggle with it.

Heck, in some ways, some might argue that the whole act of having a blog (“hey, come listen to what I have to say!”) is performative in a way.

Anyhow, “actions, not words” – it’s an important way to look at the world and, like I told my colleague, once you start seeing the world through that lens, it’s hard to not notice all the other false or hypocritical or performative actions that happen.

Obituary For A Quiet Life
