Category Archives: Randomness

Believe It Or Not, Drug Stores Are One of the Most Profitable Businesses on the Las Vegas Strip

I mean, when a margarita from a bar in a casino costs you $20 (plus tip!) and you can buy a canned margarita or beer that’s bigger than your head for $4.99 and drink it openly on the Strip since it’s legal to do so, (not to mention buying basic groceries, snacks, pop, souvenirs, etc. […]

Friday Fun Link – Big Elvis

We may see this guy in Vegas and I’m secretly thinking it might be one of those unexpected highlights of the trip based on the YouTube clips I’ve seen…  

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Elvis Is My Uncle? (May 2011)

My cousin in Calgary was surprised when some friends arranged for an Elvis impersonator to come to her 50th birthday celebration. This coincided with my aunt and uncle, also in Calgary, having their 50th Anniversary so it became a bit of a mini-family reunion. A picture of all aunts and uncles present made me imagine […]

Saturday Snap – That Moment When You See Your Car on Regina Rant & Rave

When I met a friend for lunch at Tim Horton’s before work on Thursday, the last thing I expected to see on social media later was a pic of my car in the parking lot! Luckily it wasn’t a rant about my bad parking job or the excess of window stickers I have on my […]

Friday Fun Link – The Surprising Pattern Behind Colour Names Around The World

Cool video my son told me about…

2023 End of Year Memes – Remembering a Year That Was All About Memory

1. What did you do this year that you’d never done before? After our son thought our new puppy had possibly eaten his ear buds, I did a middle of the night forensic examination of a fresh dog turd using a plastic fork! Turns out my son had found the ear bud in the pocket […]

First Lines of My First Blog Post of Every Month of 2023

January – Probably still goes to Heaven? February – Why is Covid denial so dangerous? March – The resort we were just at was almost all the way to Tulum (which is two hours south of Cancun.) April – A different form of sun dog in a photo my son sent while walking our dog […]

Wisdom Wednesday – “Oh Man, Oh God”

We all find sanity and solace in different things…

Friday Fun Link – Or Just Use Duct Tape For Everything Like I Do? ;-) is a site that tells you the best types of glues to bond different materials together.

Friday Fun Link – Norwegian Death Diving…

…is apparently a thing! (Of course, any country that invents Norwegian Death Metal is going to come up with something like this!)