Friday Fun Link – Bank of Canada Unclaimed Property Search

Check to see if you might have money hidden away in a forgotten bank account or investment!

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Keeping Them in Stitches (September 2013)

Pace ran into a tree and had to get stitches then, nearly a decade before Covid, used Skype to video chat with Grandpa and Grandma to show the war wounds…

MJF Does Some Simple Math

MFJ might be one of my favourite wrestlers working today and this callback promo is exactly why – the guy lives wrestling and wrestling history and takes advantage of his current feud with Samoa Joe to perfectly evoke one of the best, funniest promos in wrestling history:


Original (which is a Top 10 wrestling promo of all-time for sure):



“Killers of the Flower Moon” (Trailer)

Heard about this book after seeing a mention on a FB music group that Jason Isbell had a part in an upcoming Scorsese/DeNiro/DeCaprio film which was going to be based on the book.

Picked it up and it was a pretty good read, not least because it’s set in Oklahoma but talks about a lot of things that are relevant to life in Saskatchewan – poor treatment of Indigenous people, oil rights (and related greed), and even the “wild west” mentality that still exists in some ways, even one hundred years after the events in the book.

I even got to give it a plug on local news radio this summer. (fast forward to the eight minutes remaining mark.)

[2023-10-24 Edit: The movie is out now and getting criticism for its depiction of and normalization of violence against Indigenous people.]

Music Monday – “Well, I’ve been selling my soul/Working all day/Overtime hours/For bullshit pay”

This song went mega-viral recently, becoming the first song to ever debut at #1 on the Billboard charts by an artist with no other previous charting songs.

There was controversy about the writers’ intentions and politics, up to and including it even being played during a GOP debate!

“Rich Men North of Richmond” – Oliver Anthony Music

Some of the controversy about the lyrics, written in the voice of an angry blue collar worker, inspired a response song from that champion of the worker, Billy Bragg:

Secular Sunday – Men’s Testicle Location Strong Argument Against Intelligent Design

Easing back into my Secular Sunday posts with a funny Reddit post, inspired by a heat wave in Europe, ruminating on how the location of mens’ testicles is an argument against intelligent design!

Saturday Snap – Jason Sandwich! (And Bonus List – What Do Old People Talk About When They Get Together?)

Went out with a bunch of friends for supper and drinks Saturday night but my buddy Paul doesn’t look like’s enjoying a “Jason Sandwich” between myself and another buddy named Jason.

Topics of Conversation Through The Evening (Beyond the Usual Generic Topics of Work, Family, Travel)

  1. How Empty the Restaurant Was On A Saturday Night and Impacts From Inflation to Covid (One Person Observes That If Our Table of Eight Wasn’t There, There’d Be More Staff Than Customers!)
  2. Home Renovations and How Exciting We All Find That Now
  3. Climate Change and How Much It’s Going To Suck For The Next Generation
  4. Old People Problems and Body Breakdowns Ranging From 20-year old Crowns Getting Infected and Requiring Surgery to Ingrown Toenails Requiring Surgery To How The Simple Act of Assembling Patio Furniture Could Put A Person In Salt Baths For A Week (and Possibly Require Surgery)
  5. “80s Humour” and The Changing Nature of Offence For Younger People. Has the pendulum swung too far the other way?
  6. Andrew Tate, Putin & the Ukraine and if there’s any room for “both sides” with hugely controversial topics/personalities.
  7.  Why Teenagers Aren’t Excited To Get Their Drivers Licenses Like We Were At That age (Everyone At The Table With Driving Age Kids Either Had Long Delays Until Their Kids Got Their License or Are Still Waiting)
  8. Women’s Rights and Feminism
  9. If We Should Have Different Expectations For Behaviour Based On How Old Someone Is – Should a 70 year old grandparent get more leeway for how they see the world than a 50 year old?
  10. Home Ownership and Again, How That Will Likely Be Very Different For Our Kids (Everyone at the Table was a Homeowner and it feels like we are the last generation where this is common/expected.)

Friday Fun Link – “Is This Real Life?”

Pace had four wisdom teeth removed early on Friday morning.  When he got home, I was reminded of this clip – one of the original viral videos of the YouTube age:

Throwback Thursday – Happy Work-iversary To Me! (September 2008)

Friday is my 15th work anniversary of starting at RPL which is hard to believe!  (Uhm, time flies when you’re having fun?!?)

I was trying to write a long post talking about the various roles I’ve held at RPL, some of the highs and lows, and more.  But it was just getting longer and longer and harder to finish so instead, I’ll save that for my memoirs and instead, just re-post a picture that a colleague took on my first day.

This picture also happens to be possibly the worst posed photo of myself ever (pretend you’re working!”  Proceeds to levitate hands over a keyboard in front of a *giant* monitor!)

Cool trivia: I started in the HR Unit as the Organization Development Specialist and had the rare pleasure of having RPL’s Director (who is still Director today) in on my interview – something that doesn’t even happen with many manager jobs! 😮

Sunset (or Sunrise?)

My last post was August 21 when I said I was going to try to get back to (roughly) daily blog posts after a summer of holidays and other distractions.

Then I promptly didn’t post again for nearly two more weeks until today.

Lots I could write, lots of navel-gazing about why I (still) have a blog when everybody’s sharing their “content” on Facebook or Twitter or Substack or Instagram or TitKok (h/t to coworker who gave me that brilliance.)

(Maybe finding a reason to revisit a long ago post about the 25th anniversary of the Sask Book Awards today is as good of reason as any to keep doing this weirdly public journal?)

Anyhow, here’s a shot of a sunset at Nickle Lake and it makes me think of many things – the beauty of nature, the passing of time, the importance of transitions and how we managed to wreck Lorne Calvert’s wife’s sunset photo session earlier this summer by asking for a group photo with Mr. and Ms. Calvert then being all “Chatty Cathy” afterwards.