Saturday Snap – Walking The Dog

Friday Fun Link – “Better Man” Trailer

A very unique take on the musician biopic featuring a massive star from the UK that Shea and I both really like (I was in England in 1995 when his boy band, Take That was big and still remember the girls swooning over bad boy Robbie.) so very excited to see the new movie about his life and career…

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – My Grandma, My Mom and My Daughter (June 2022, July 2000)

Lots can change in two short years or in twenty…

I didn’t really have to change the inscription in the coffee table book of prairie photos I gave my Grandma Hammond when she moved into the Golden Prairie Nursing Home in Indian Head when my mom moved into the same facility – just had to change the date and add the names of our kids – even still safe to leave it as “Gram Ham”!

Wisdom Wednesday – Why Workplace Well-Being Programs Don’t Work

In essence, organizations focus wrongly on trying to “fix” individuals (I-Frame) rather than the systemic (S-Frame) issues that create or exasperate mental health issues for staff.

The 2024 Good Tech Awards

Always love year-end “best of” lists – this one about good tech advances that stand to benefit humanity.

Music Monday – R.E.M. Concert (1984)

Really getting back into R.E.M. lately.  So many good songs and albums that soundtracked some of the most important and memorable moments of my life.


Secular Sunday – When Am I Ever Going To Use High School Science?

Saturday Snap – Help, I’m Falling!!! (Maybe?)

Shea got this funny shot of our dog lying on my lap but also half-falling off the couch!

Friday Fun Link – Colouring Book Hero

Using artificial intelligence to create coloring pages?  Now that’s cool!

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Let The Battle Commence! (March 2014)

I often joke the only reason we have kids is to get them to do our chores when we’re old enough.  But they’re also fun to play with…sometimes literally! 😉