Saturday Snap – Rainbow Backyard

Seems fitting that a rainbow would appear to be landing in our newly landscaped backyard, both because it’s Pride Month but also as a reminder of all the good fortune that Shea and I enjoy in our lives.

Friday Fun Link – Clone Your Voice Using AI, Give It A Personality and Then Converse With Yourself

Unfortunately, you may have to join a waitlist to get access to this tool (at least I did.)

But then again, maybe I don’t want to talk to myself (at least out loud!)


Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Bellagio Fountains (March 2009)

May have told this story before but my parents won a trip for two to Las Vegas and it happened to coincide with a week that Shea and I had booked off.

So after a bit of chaos to get Pace (two going on three) a rush passport, we booked and ended up going along.

It was a great trip and we didn’t even have Pace get abducted (though the story of hearing “Little boy?  Where’s your mommy?” from the hallway outside our hotel room will go down in family lore!)

Anyhow, the Bellagio Fountains were a highlight of the trip…

Wisdom Wednesday – “What Are You Doing To Solve The Problem of the Person Standing in Front of You”

I’ve been trying to write a post summarizing some of the various tips, pieces of advice, koans of wisdom that I’ve collected over the years – mostly from my time in libraries but from other workplaces, reading of books articles and just talking to knowledgeable people I respect.

As that post grew and grew, I thought it might make sense to try to do it as another “Theme Day” post – in this case, “Wisdom Wednesday” where I share one favourite nugget per week.

Here we go…

Probably the single best manager I ever knew during my fifteen years at RPL wasn’t even my direct manager.

But I worked closely with her on a number of projects and training initiatives at RPL and found her to be one of the most insightful, level-headed, fair people I’ve ever know (huge loss to RPL when she left!)

She’s going to appear in this series a few times but this one came out a conversation where she said “At the end of the day, every rule, every guideline, every policy we have is just words on paper.  A different board, a different director, a different manager could come along tomorrow and change everything (and as our policies changed back and forth during Covid over the past few years, I’ve seen this firsthand!)

So, at the end of the day, ask yourself “What are you doing to help solve the problem of the person standing in front of you?” and the vast majority of the time, you’ll be doing the right thing.

This has become my “go to” mantra for how I approach my practice of librarianship.  It’s not about rules, it’s not about “What does the policy say?”  (I’ll have more thoughts on the role of policy in another post) – it’s about finding ways to help people to have problems overcome them.

They need access to a computer but don’t have ID?  Get them on a computer!  They need a book that’s not available in the library?  Find that book somewhere and get it to them!  A young girl is trying to put MP3s on their player they got as a gift and look crushed when someone says “We don’t do that here?”  Help them get those MP3s on that player!

I was gratified (vindicated?) a few years ago when RPL did systemwide customer service training for all staff and a core message of that training was trying to move from “rules-based thinking” to “values-based thinking.”

As they gave examples of what this meant during the presentation, one of my staff members who was in the workshop with me leaned over and said “This is the stuff you’ve been talking about for years!”

Yep.  But I didn’t come up with it.  Thanks Barb!

Peregrine Cocktail Recipe

-> 2 oz Dark Rum (Kraken)
-> Half glass of Choose Up (Sprite Knock Off Sold at Sobeys/Safeway/FreshCo)
-> Half glass of Orange Juice (Tropical Juices for the “fancy” version of the cocktail)

(Not yet in Cocktail Builder)

Music Monday – “He walks down to the ocean/Bends to touch the water/Kneels to pray/He writes her name/In the sand/Waves wash it away”

Waves” – Sam Baker

Secular Sunday – First Karen Church

I’m not religious but I could see myself going to this church in an ironical fashion…

Saturday Snap – Charlie Echo

Sasha did a “photo shoot” with Charlie the other day and I was pretty impressed with the results…

Friday Fun Link – The Simpsons “No No” Sheets

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Hail Storm (June 2013)