Vegas Knights Win The 2023 Stanley Cup

Just as I predicted

(But all kidding aside, the Knights showed signs of this potential from the moment they entered the league.)


University of Western Ontario Is One of Only Twenty Universities Worldwide To Get Top Rating (And Only One in Canada)

2006 – Univ of Western Ontario – London — Master of Library & Information Systems

I really thought my attending the University of Western Ontario might drag the rating down – yes, even nearly two decade later.  But luckily UWO is still an extremely prestigious University even if they allow pretenders like myself to darken their halls. 😉

Music Monday – “The old man at the Quickstop/Lying to the county cops/And laughing like his soul was without sin.”

Cast Iron Skillet” – Jason Isbell

Secular Sunday – “The most unthinking among us…who would invade our schools and libraries and homes. I personally resent it bitterly.”

Saturday Snap – The Green Green Grass of Home?

We’re having our yard landscaped next week so, if I’m lucky, this might be a photo of the last time I cut grass in my life!

(Also, funny coincidence – the kid’s climbing structure ended up going to…our former neighbours at our last house who saw the listing on Facebook and reached out.  If I’d known that three years ago, we’ve could’ve just passed it over the fence between our two houses and left it with them at that time!) 🙂

Friday Fun Link – 10 Mind Hacks To Use With Gen X

It me!


Throwback Thursday – #tbt – I’ve Always Been A Fan of The Grey Area of Copyright (circa 1990?)

The struggle was real – do you record in SP and get the maximum quality, LP for a balance of quality and quantity, or EP and get the most on the tape (I think the answer below is obvious – VHS tapes were expensive when I was in high school and making $4.50/hr at a gas station job.  So I always tried to cram as much on them as I could.)

I think you could also see hints of a future librarian I would become as I include not just names of the movies I was dubbing but category and time counts!  (Not shown is the database I created of all the movies I had dubbed over probably a couple dozen VHS tapes.)

The Moose Is Loose! #yqr

We’ve seen a lot of wildlife in the green space behind our house – partridges, rabbits,  even a coyote.  But seeing a moose earlier this week was a new one!

Introducing Apple Vision Pro

My Apple stocks are either going to sky rocket or crash hard on this news! 😉

Music Monday – “Well I come home from work/You know I’m tired of the beat/I try to make some supper/Get myself something to eat”

Night Time” – George Thorogood