Music Monday – “I want to thank the storm that brought the snow/Thanks to the string of lights that make it glow/But I wanna thank you, baby/You make it feel like Christmas”

You Make It Feel Like Christmas” – Blake Shelton & Gwen Stefani

Secular Sunday – Atheists Among The Most Likely To Be Vaccinated, Evangelicals Among The Least Likely

Hmm, could the ability to trust science and use logic vs. the ability to believe in conspiratorial fairy tales and misplaced authority be part of this?

Saturday Snap – Negative Covid Test!

I hate how it feels almost inevitable that one of these tests is going to come up positive one of these days, especially with how fast Omicron is apparently spreading.

But not today, Satan! 😉

Friday Fun Link – Kelloggs vs. GenZ

Kellogg’s workers in the States who have been on strike since October (in the US, apparently workers aren’t guaranteed their job after a strike as I believe is the case in Canada) were in the process of being laid off en masse by the company who wanted to hire 1400 permanent replacement workers.

A bunch of young people, many on Reddit’s r/antiwork sub-reddit, who realised this was pretty evil decided to intervene and crashed the site Kelloggs was using to recruit new workers.

There’s a weird distant connection Shea and I have to this – two hunters from Ohio who used to come up to hunt geese on her parents’ land every fall worked at a cereal factory in Ohio years ago (can’t remember if it was Kellogg’s or not but Ohio isn’t a state on any list of striking plants that I’ve seen.)

Anyhow, one was a true blue Democrat worker/union activist and the other was a red Republican who was in management (and lived the stereotype in your mind right down to the NRA member’s magazines in his bathroom!) 😉

But in a reflection of an earlier, simpler, pre-social media time, they were buddies who lived relatively close to each other, socialized regularly and even took hunting trips together to Saskatchewan.

They even shared the same name so they were nicknamed “Big Jim” and “Little Jim”.

Big Jim…

Little Jim (who lived steps from Lake Erie and took us out on his boat during our visit!)…

Little Jim’s backyard with Lake Erie in the background…

Shea and I did a driving trip around Lake Erie during a semester break when I was in library school in Ontario and looked them up.  We arrived at the manager’s house to what is still one of the biggest fish fries I have ever experienced in my life.

Fish Fry…

Then we stayed at the worker’s house overnight and we still have the duck he carved out of wood and painted which he gifted to us and is in our house to this day.

Anyhow, a good reminder that even if people are still on opposite sides of the union/management divide, they can still be friends.

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Death Star or Christmas Star? (December 2020)

Saw this cool projection on a house in the neighbourhood last year…

Early Christmas Present!

Pretty hard to wrap a cabinet this size so I got to “open” an early Christmas gift tonight.

Library nerd heaven! 🙂

RPL Christmas Party at Sky Park Regina

Had a lot of fun at Sky Park Regina (which had the misfortune to open less than a month before Covid hit but luckily was able to stay in business through the past couple years!) which my work’s social club picked as the location for our annual family Xmas event.

It was a blast as they had booked the place for RPL staff and their families so we got to try multiple activities –

wall climbing…

sky walk…

go karts…

and more.

An hour and a half went way too fast!

Music Monday – “They give me all these flowers and these big balloons/But I’m not gonna stay in this little room/I don’t wanna die in this hospital, I don’t wanna die”

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about the saying “You know how much money you have; you never know how much time you have.”

If it’s not obvious, what it means is that you (roughly) know how much money you have – what your paycheque is every two weeks, what your investments are worth, the value of your home or any other assets you own.

But whether your net worth is a thousand or a million bucks, you never know how much time you have left to enjoy your life – if you are close to retirement, if you have a family you want to spend time with, if you’re hoping to develop a small parcel of land in Mexico to live out your golden years while scuba-diving in the ocean.

I’ve always said I think it’s better to die quickly in your sleep then to linger for years in your old age.  But sometimes things happen that make me reconsider that – is it better to linger in a nursing home for years into your 90s or die suddenly overnight at age 56?

Maybe dying suddenly isn’t better if you have so much life left in front of you.

Because whether you’re 56 or 96, in the end, life is always too short.  And for that reason, it’s not worth it to spend your time being unkind and petty and focused on the wrong things as being meaningful and worth worrying about in the limited time we all have.

RIP Tony – thanks for being a mentor and a friend.  Thanks for being endlessly kind and supportive.  Thanks for constantly giving me perspective and always being willing to offer a listening ear.

[Edit to add Tony’s obituary.]

I Don’t Want To Die In The Hospital” – Connor Oberst

Secular Sunday – To Avoid Controversy, Starbucks Should Put Bible Quotes On Their Holiday Cups

Saturday Snap – Gift Ideas for the Beatles Fan In Your Life (Hint, Hint)

“The Lyrics” is $75 at Costco?  Holy crap!  You can get like eight giant jars of dill pickles for that kind of money! 😉