Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Christmas Tree (Dec 2014)

An Atheist Takes In A “Blue Christmas” Ceremony

It’s been a tough end to the year.

There are some fairly major changes happening at work that will affect myself and numerous other supervisors in the new year.  One of those supervisors, a friend and mentor, died unexpectedly at the start of December – quite young but also getting very close to retirement, having been a “library lifer”.  There’s some other stuff happening in my personal life that I know will end up being happy but right now is stressful and uncertain.

Oh, and we’re in a never-ending worldwide pandemic where the fast-spreading Omicron variant seems to be racing to spread as widely as possible, even as we all countdown the days to Christmas.

Christmas is usually one of my favourite holidays of the year.  But this year has just felt heavy and blue.

Which somehow got me thinking of the first time I heard of “Blue Christmas” (in the church context as opposed to the Elvis context) a few years ago from an Anglican priest I know.

He was delivering a Blue Christmas service in the lead-up to Christmas and explained to me how it was a way his church tried to reach people who didn’t find Christmas joyous because they were grieving or had bad memories of Christmas or whatever.

I remember thinking “That’s a great idea.  So nice religious people have that available.”

Then I carried on with my life.

But then this past weekend, even though I’m a pretty outspoken atheist but feeling particularly down, I found myself searching for “Blue Christmas Service” on YouTube.

There were a number of videos I dipped into and though none of them were enough to make me feel like I had to race out to rejoin the United Church of my youth, they did touch me a way I didn’t expect.

What a strange fucking year! 🙁


Christmas Song Popularity Based On Number of Plays on Commercial Radio

(via Reddit)

Music Monday – “Christmas on the farm/Back when a small farm could survive/House was always warm/And you were still alive.”

“Another Silent Night” – Megan Nash & The Best of Intentions

Secular Sunday – War on Christmas

Saturday Snap – Libraries Distributing Rapid Tests

Not my usual “Saturday Snap” photo today but instead, a screen shot of someone on Reddit saying they had a good experience at my branch getting their booster shot and also picking up a box of rapid tests.

So strange to hear stories from Ontario of people lining up at liquor stores or other weird distribution glitches in other provinces when libraries are the absolute perfect place to distribute rapid tests – they’re one of the few places that specializes in giving out high volumes of things for free to a wide assortment of people across all socioeconomic classes, we generally have more space than pharmacies or other retail outlets so people don’t have to line-up outside, we have evening and weekend hours, we’re a trusted, neutral (well, “aspiring to neutrality” I always say which is a separate conversation) institution that doesn’t have the commercial or social issue overtones like you do when using pharmacies or liquor stores (though of course, having as many distribution points as possible is good too.).

(I guess also strange to see a nice comment on Reddit without any references to weird inside jokes, bitcoin or Bernie Sanders!) 😉

Friday Fun Link – Reloading Random Things

I’m not sure how to embed a video clip I found on Reddit so will just say it’s worth a click to go check this out – *this* is the type of content that makes the Internet awesome!

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Candy Cane Cast (November 2009)

Sometimes I forget how popular the online photo sharing site, Flickr used to be in the day (it was Instgram before Instagram, kids!)

But the other day, someone “Favourited” this pic on the site and getting that notification reminded me how Flickr was my “go to” for looking at/sharing online photos for many years and in some ways, an early social network as well.

As for this pic, I broke my leg playing hockey in November 2009 so asked the tech if he could do a “candy cane” cast instead of a single colour.  He was quite overjoyed with this unusual request and did a great job.  Bonus – the white cast material was even glow-in-the-dark!

Christmas Cast On My Broken Leg

“Jon” by Amanda Huber

Powerful piece by the widow of a popular wrestler who tragically died young.

The Pandemic’s Impact on the Workforce

There’s lots of coverage of the “Great Resignation” triggered by the never-ending pandemic.

CNN has provided more insight about how that is especially true among older people who are choosing early retirement instead of staying in crowded workplaces or just recognizing that when they die, no one’s going to say “I wish I worked more” but instead, will wish they’d spend more time with family or on hobbies or traveling or whatever and the high Covid death rates and impacts on society are bringing that contrast into stark relief.