Friday Fun Link – 100 Ways To Slightly Improve Your Life Without Trying

Some decent advice in this article

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Family Literacy Day (January 2018)

Happy Family Literacy Day!

Here’s some pics from a Family Literacy Day event we had at the library a few years back…

Wordle? Why Yes, I’m Something of an Authority Myself…

Well, maybe not an authority but a recent blog post may have at least convinced a couple people at the Mother Corp that I should be interviewed for a CBC story about the game! 😉

(And I’m going to lose sleep tonight thinking how that beautiful pre-planned quote came off worse than I intended simply because I accidentally said “watch Netflix and we binge Netflix.  Gah – I didn’t mean to say that redundant first part and ruin the rhythm of the whole quote!”)

“A Warm Glowing Lantern” – Design Unveiled For New Saskatoon Downtown Library #yxe

This looks amazing – can’t wait to visit!

New Central libraries have been built in most major Canadian cities over the past decade from Halifax to Winnipeg to Calgary to Vancouver among many others.  And now Saskatoon will join that list!

Every single one of these new Central libraries have become community hubs, centres of learning and symbols of the community they represent.

It was a highlight of a trip to Calgary a couple years ago when we visited their new Central Library on a Saturday afternoon and saw *multiple* wedding parties using the library as a backdrop for their wedding photos.

Can you imagine???

Libraries are not (and have never been) purely about “books” as is commonly assumed.  Books are actually how public libraries trick people into being part of civic society! 🙂

Music Monday – “Yeah, to the farmers and the first responders/To the truck drivers shiftin’ gears/Every nurse that needs a break, let me buy you a drink/There ain’t no “I” in beer”

Great pandemic song/video and somewhat ironic that truckers get a shout-out given the KluTruxKlan “Freedom” convoy happening right now.   But the reality is unvaxxed truckers are a very small minority and most truckers and the national trucking association support vaccinations.


No ‘I” in Beer” – Brad Paisley

Secular Sunday – What People Who Believe in Hell Say It Is Like

Strangely, “Like watching a Carrot Top movie on repeat” is not listed as an option.

(via Reddit)

Saturday Snap – Not Sure Who’s Enjoying The Giant Snow Hill In Our Backyard More…

…these guys or the kids:


Friday Fun Link – Sweardle (A Wordle Parody Site)

In light of the Wordle craze, this site feels inevitable.

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – A Couple of Muggers (Feb 2013)

A Few Random Covid Thoughts

  • A coworker observed that an occupational hazard of working in a place where we hand out rapid tests kits is the risk of people over sharing *why* they want the tests.  This gives you this wild anecdotal taste of how widespread Covid is right now – business owners, parents, students, neighbours on each side of you, people living in shared accommodations like apartment buildings/condo complexes, etc. etc.
  • Relatively early in the pandemic, I did a post about how many words had suddenly entered our vocabulary that we rarely to never used before.  I feel like that list needs an update (Wordle!)
  • On that note, is there a word for feeling like you must have Covid, even as rapid test after rapid test comes up negative repeatedly?  I had that feeling a couple weeks ago (everyone else in the family has been repeatedly negative throughout which is a good sign that we didn’t have Covid.)
  • On the one year anniversary of the original Covid shutdown, I created a month-by-month guide to the “highlights” of the Covid experience which I have kept adding to each subsequent month (and which is therefore likely the longest blog post on this entire blog too.) In a fit of despair, I recently copied the template I used for adding each new month’s content forward by a full year to 2023 after feeling like this pandemic will never end (even though email forwards from elderly relatives assure me it will be over by spring!)
  • When Omicron first came out and they said it spread fast, I didn’t really get it until I saw people getting it all around me – coworkers, relatives, friends and perhaps most shockingly, people who I would say have been on the “extremely cautious” side of the ledger for most of the pandemic.
  • On that note, no one should feel shame or embarrassed about getting Covid.  I mean, it’s a highly contagious disease and we’re living in a province with some of the most lax restrictions in the country.
  • It’s been wild to track the usage of masks through the pandemic too – early on, use was even discouraged (though I think that was intended to prevent shortages for those who needed them most) then it was mostly cloth/often homemade (I wonder if Government of Canada still has guidance on their site about how to make a mask from a t-shirt – yeah, that’ll be safe!).  Then it was surgical style.  Then it was medical grade surgical style.  And now, I’m seeing N95’s in *very* common usage in a way that I never did through any other phase of the pandemic.
  • On the flip side, I get it but it’s sad how many people are moving into the “We’re all going to get it – might as well get it over with” camp and almost actively trying to catch it.  Text messages like “Hey, we’re at the [hip local restaurant] and it’s packed.  You should join us!”  Uhm, no thanks?
  • I have a billion other thoughts about the pandemic – from government’s handling to thoughts on people traveling to the personal impacts but I think I’ll stop there or this post could end up being longer than that “Covid Timeline” post I linked to above!