Music Monday – “And we can still get information/Reading all about inflation/And you’re never gonna be out of reach/There’s a call-box on the beach”

Shea’s folks are in for appointments and staying at a hotel so we popped over for a swim and a visit.

For some reason the song below kept running through my head (and that, in turn, bringing back fond memories of season-ending party at my hometown pool where all the lifeguards did a poolside dance routine to this song!)


Twisting By The Pool” – Dire Straits

Secular Sunday – 10 Facts About Atheists

I resemble some of these remarks…

Where do atheists find meaning in life? Like a majority of Americans, most atheists mentioned “family” as a source of meaning when Pew Research Center asked an open-ended question about this in a 2017 survey. But atheists were far more likely than Christians to describe hobbies as meaningful or satisfying (26% vs. 10%). Atheists also were more likely than Americans overall to describe finances and money, creative pursuits, travel, and leisure activities as meaningful. Not surprisingly, very few U.S. atheists (4%) said they found life’s meaning in spirituality.

Saturday Snap – #WhyIMissedTheProtestForFreedom #FluTrucksKlan

First, my wife and I took our daughter to her art class where she created and learned with about ten other kids…

Before her class started, we went into the centre’s art gallery to check out the latest installation.  We enjoyed this show with a handful of other people who were in the gallery including four who appeared to be participating in a discussion group or possibly an artist talk…

No pictures taken but while our daughter was at class, my wife and I ran a variety of errands – to the bank, the grocery store and to a gas station where we stood, shopped, transacted and purchased with a wide range of other people engaged in the same activities.

After getting home, we turned around twice then my wife took both kids for haircuts.

We ended our day having supper and drinks with friends in a crowded, lively restaurant for an extended period of time.

What made this all possible was our willingness to wear masks, show our vaccine passports when required, everyone in our family being fully vaccinated and us living our lives with caution and risk assessment but not fear or hesitation.

Oh, and after running our errands, we happened to drive by the so-called Freedom protesters on Albert Street.  But I’m not sure I trust this guy to tell me about what freedoms I’m doing without

Friday Fun Link – Amazing Shootout Goal at NHL All-Star Skills Competition

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Kauai/Maui Trip (January 2012)

A co-worker recently told me she’s going to Kauai and I am incredibly jealous.

Kauai might actually be the single most beautiful place I’ve been on this earth and Shea still says Anini Beach is one of her favourite beaches of all-time.

Here’s a montage video I made of our trip which had eight days on Kauai and eight days in Maui…

8 Positive Impacts of the Covid Pandemic

I was thinking about making my own list but this YouTube video captures most of what I’d put on my list fairly well.

I’m especially intrigued by the way Covid is going to change the workplace/increase acceptance of work-from-home for those who can do so…


We Have A Lot of Snow This Year!

I always had this sneaking suspicion that my memories of massively high snowbanks as a kid was influenced by the fact that I was, well, a kid, at the time and therefore, a medium-sized snowbank would’ve seemed like a mountain.

Although a lot rarer than I remember as a kid, this year’s accumulated snowfall (and we’re only at the start of February!) easily matches some of my memories of childhood snowbanks for sure!

Music Monday – “Ain’t singin’ for Pepsi/Ain’t singin’ for Coke/I don’t sing for nobody Makes me look like a joke/This note’s for you”

There’s some irony that Warner Brothers Music Group won’t allow me to embed this anti-corporate sponsorship song on my blog.

But worth a click-thru to watch a classic Neil Young song…

“This Note’s For You” – Neil Young

Secular Sunday – Argument From Poor Design

There’s a lot of reasons to not believe in God but the “Argument From Poor Design” – basically a list of reasons a perfect creator still put a bunch of useless/poorly designed parts into human beings and other animals is one of my favourites.

Saturday Snap – Life’s Too Short For Unsalted Butter

In light of yesterday’s post where I happened to share the screenshot a portion of a life advice article that said we should eat salted butter as life is too short for unsalted, I thought I’d post a pic I happened to snap at Safeway recently.

Saying “life is too short for unsalted butter” may seem trite but it’s also very true.

Life is too short for a lot of things – enjoying food, enjoying travel, enjoying family, enjoying friends, enjoying the billion-to-one odds that we are alive in the first place.

So today, as I find myself thinking of a recently deceased colleague, taken long before her time, I’m also thinking about how suddenly a person’s life can change – sudden illness, lingering illness, accident, etc.

I’m also thinking about how important it is to buy the salted butter – both literally and metaphorically.  And I’m glad that after snapping this pic I bought *a lot* of salted butter which I’m going to continue to enjoy every chance I get!