Happy Third Covidversary!

Three years ago today, a man in Wuhan China started feeling ill and changed the world completely…

Here are some other Covid-related tweets that have caught my eye recently…



Agribition Supervision

With my criminal record check approved, I was off to be a parent chaperone for Sasha’s class visit to Agribition today.

(Good thing it was approved as I had a few moments of “Oh-oh – that’ll get you on a list!” during the day – from accidentally leaving the house with my fly down to buying the the three kids in my group candy to wondering if it was my job to intercede when a bunch of girls in the class noticed some obscene graffiti in the stands where we were sitting.  But my zipper was up before we left the driveway, the candy was promptly eaten, and no, I did not intercede as they giggled at the picture of genitals drawn on an upper walkway at Brandt Centre!)

Anyhow, I managed to end the day, not with a criminal record but with a bunch of good memories…

Our first view upon arriving weirdly reminded me of our first view arriving at the Hyatt Ziva in Cancun as Sasha looked out at everything in front of her…

We had lots of parent chaperones so everyone ended up with relatively small groups (all of us had 2-3 kids and I only got a third last minute when one parent called in sick)…

Shea says our house smells like a barn now that Sasha and I are home.  Guilty!

Sasha thought our new dog was the softest, cuddliest thing she’d ever seen.  But this alpaca might have the dog beat…

Our most important stop of the day…

Music Monday – “When I/Think of you/In my bed/Last night/With your head/On my pillow/Well, it gets me high/Makes me wanna fly”

Caollaidhe” – Greg Keelor

Secular Sunday – Suburban Mega-Churches Are Bizarre…

…but I find myself intrigued:

Saturday Snap – A Day in the Life

I was off on Friday and had a busy day…

– Charlie wakes us up.  Years ago, 5am used to be the time I went to bed but not anymore!

– watch “Stutz” on Netflix with Shea.  Wonder if therapy is easier or harder if you’re rich and famous.

– drive Pace to school.  Look forward to day he drives himself.

– stop by my work to drop off some donated prizes for an upcoming event and check out ongoing renovations.

– take Sasha to medical appointment.  Get to see her kidneys on an ultrasound.

– grab McPuke’s breakfast sandwiches as a treat since she was fasting before her appointment.

– check in on Shea at home who is dying, possibly of RSV (no positive Covid test yet).  Wonder why I haven’t caught it yet.

– go downtown to the police station because, in the course of doing an online criminal record check to volunteer for Sasha’s class going to Agribition, I find out that my gender and birthdate is a match for a registered sex offender so I have to do the extra step of getting fingerprinted to confirm I’m not some Jeffrey Epstein creep.  That goes pretty smoothly and actually interesting – not sure when I was last printed but they now have a machine that’s like a scanner that sends your prints to RCMP HQ in Ottawa and gets results back about five minutes after running them against their database.  The tech who did the fingerprinting said “I know you were born in 1973 so this is a bit more rare. But honestly, if you’re a male born after 1980, it’s almost always a match.  That’s both good and bad – makes you realise they’re catching a lot more offenders than they used to but also makes you realise how many sex offenders are out there!”  I asked why they only call people in based on gender and birthday matches but not name but he said that sex offenders often change their name and move provinces to try and get away from their crimes so they have to be sure it’s not a match by using fingerprinting.


Eat lunch then take advantage of a beautiful day to chip all the ice and snow off our driveway.  (When we moved to our new house which is in the same general area as our old house, I joked we were moving from the “poor” to the “rich” part of the neighbourhood.  Even though they’re six blocks apart, it does feel like there’s a different standard for maintaining your yard/driveway and keeping the snow down to the quick is part of that!   Crank the new Ringo Starr live album and with the sun beating down, brings back some fond memories of seeing Ringo Starr under the stars at Hard Rock Hotel in Dominican Republic.

– tackle another Charlie inspired job.  Funny that when we first looked at our new house, there was a bunch of dog shit in the backyard and I seriously pushed to have “clean that up!” included as a condition of sale.  Fearing I’d wreck the deal over some dog poo, Shea talked me out of it and our realtor said “Oh, I’m sure they’ll clean it up!”  Fast forward to our possession date and…the crap’s still there.  I tried to get it out but it was frozen (new neighbours later told us the previous owners *did* try to get the crap picked up but it was frozen in place and they apparently felt bad about it.). Anyhow, when I picked up that shit, I remember thinking “Well, at least I only have to do this once.”  Now we have Charlie and I get to do it on a regular basis.  (Plus my so-sick-she-can’t-leave-the-house wife does have the energy to send me a screen shot from our backyard security came labeled “Such A Good Turd Picker!”

– watch the Flames play an American Thanksgiving game against the Capitals (which they eventually lose.) Think about how, when my team’s winning, I think they’ll never lose again and when they’re losing, I think they’ll never win again.

– go to our annual meeting with our financial advisor (Shea joining on FaceTime.) A one hour appointment goes for two hours as we chat and catch up since we haven’t met with her since she got back from maternity leave.  Good news – we’re 99% covered for retirement and that’s based on conservative estimates for investment returns *and* based on us living into our 90s (which I hope happens but know isn’t likely.)

– take Sasha to a sleepover at a friend’s house.

– pick up Pace’s choice of Houston Pizza for a special family meal without Sasha since Sasha got a special meal with Shea and I one day when she was off school but Pace wasn’t.

– watch “The Swimmers” on Netflix.  Think about my day and all the ways that I’m fortunate – being Canadian, having a good job, having a healthy family (okay, maybe not so much right now!), being in a good financial position, having a beautiful home.

– crash early because I have a feeling Charlie will be waking me up again at 5am (which he does!)

So that’s a long summary of my day just to say I really can’t believe I’ve become a guy who has to pick up dog shit regularly!

Friday Fun Link – Top 10 Oddest Pieces of Goalie Equipment Ever Seen

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Toasting Our New House (November 2019)

This week was the three year “house-iversary” of us moving into our new place.  Cheers to us!

A 41 Year Old Addict Says Good-Bye (And Shares His Observations and Regrets)

The amount of stress I’m seeing in the world right now is overwhelming.

People I know from Ukraine and Iran worried about home.  People navigating our Covid-filled world whether they’ve never tested positive or tested positive multiple times.  Parents trying to find needed badly needed medicine for their kids while teachers face half empty classrooms.  People who don’t know if they can afford their next months’ rent or the extra fees being charged by schools.  People battling addictions and mental illness.  People sleeping in ER hallways or in cold back alleys.

Sometimes it feels like everything and everyone has an edge right now.

But then you read something that helps restore perspective about how amazing life is, no matter how bad it seems

I wish I had not worried so much about the little things. I wish I had not worried so much about the numbers in my bank account or the punch of the time clock. All that time working. I had enough money to keep a roof over my head and to invest in what few hobbies I had, yet I still kept racking up overtime. And for what? Only to find myself here. It all came to nothing in the end. I robbed myself of the most precious commodity I had, time, in exchange for green pieces of paper and little metal discs. A perverse and twisted trade. Only now do I see the truth.

Happy House-iversary To Us!

Hard to believe we’ve been in our house for three years today.  And what a wildly unexpected three years it’s been!

Of course we didn’t know it at the time but when we ended up moving to a house that was a little newer, a little bigger and a little better than the starter home we lived in for fifteen years, this house ended up having a lot of things that made it perfect for the arrival of Covid – a south-facing, sun-drenched home office that we didn’t have in our old house and which was perfect for working from home, a backyard that opened onto a large green space with a nearby park which was perfect for socially distanced walks, plus a lot more room generally which would’ve been useful if we did have to isolate from each other (which luckily never happened!)



Music Monday – In Which Jason Programs The Grey Cup Halftime Show…

Nothing against Florida-Georgia Line but it’s right there in the name – no connection to Canada, let alone Saskatchewan.

In fact, two of the three performers in the halftime show were American and the third was from Ontario.

Why you wouldn’t feature Saskatchewan artists on a giant stage like this boggles my mind.

Using a similar format to what they did (three different performers – oh wait, another difference – I’m also including a woman as one of them!)

So how’s this for a setlist?

“I Think About Savanna” – Blake Berglund

“Town to Town” – Blake Berglund & Belle Plaine

“Laila Sady Johnson (Wasn’t Beaten By No Train)” – Belle Plaine

“Is It Cheating” – Belle Plaine and Colter Wall

(And then, depending on how you wanted to end, mellow or a bit more rocking, one of the following songs – either with Colter Wall solo or joined by the other two who are all friends in real life…)

“Thirteen Silver Dollars” – Colter Wall

“Western Swings & Waltzes” – Colter Wall