Secular Sunday – Decorated For Christmas Today…

The top decoration is one my mother-in-law stuck onto the back of my car at Christmastime years ago (and yes, I think I drove around for a week or more before noticing it!)

The other one is a camping neighbour from when we had a seasonal site at Echo Lake Regional Park.  I made the custom “Kiss My Ass” pictures for a holiday party with our camping neighbours the following December.

Saturday Snap – Tumbleweeds in the Tylenol Aisle

Good thing the pandemic’s over or else I’d worry about this shortage of children’s medicine!

(Funny story – we’re out of kids’ meds at home too and Sasha’s been sick a lot lately so Shea asked the pharmacist and managed to snag a mini-bottle of kids’ Tylenol.  Then we got home and didn’t see it after unloading our groceries.  Shea looked at the bill and didn’t see it on there either.  “Was someone so brazen to grab it out of our cart when we weren’t looking?” we both wondered.  Woke up this morning and Shea realised we had one place we hadn’t looked – a bag full of Xmas gifts that was stored immediately in our bedroom closet without it being emptied.  I go and check and…there’s the kids’ Tylenol.  Then I look at the bill a bit closer using my librarian super-skill of “searching by last three numbers of the barcode” and find it immediately.  The code for Tylenol was a bit obscure “CTYB” and the price was a lot lower than we expected it to be – under $10.  But again, it was a mini-bottle, not the bigger one we’d normally buy so understandable how we missed it.)

Friday Fun Link – Crocheted Dog Hats

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – CW: Possible Butt Crack (April 2013)

Our neighbour sent us this photo, taken from her kitchen window, of me trying to fit more stuff into our recycling bin at our old house.  Also probably an OH&S violation…

Top 10 Beatles Riffs

Some Covid Updates

Hard to believe that two and a half years into the Covid pandemic, I’m debating whether to make a round-up of recent news and observations a weekly feature on this blog.

Why Are Hospitals Overwhelmed (Spoiler: Lots of Reasons)

 It’s *Really* Bad…

Really really bad…

Like, really really really bad….

So yeah, you should probably wear a mask…maybe…if you want…or whatever, could be too late too.

I haven’t been perfect.  I like to go to restaurants.  Concerts.  Movies.  Go on trips. Hang out with people who I don’t share DNA with.

But I’m trying really hard to wear a mask where and when I can – at work.  In meetings.  In stores.  In crowded spaces.

Because it is very possible that Covid is FUCKING ALL OF US UP more than most people realise.

And as an atheist, it’s sort of weirdly funny that mask-wearing has become like some science-based Pascal’s Wager for me.

This same logical framework can be applied to the controversy over whether or not to wear a mask. If you choose to wear a mask and it turns out you are right about the importance of mask-wearing, you have potentially limited the exposure of countless people to COVID-19 and have saved innumerable lives. If it turns out that you are wrong, and masks do not slow the spread of COVID-19, then all you have risked is some mild discomfort, a risk which is infinitesimally small when compared to the value of a human life. On the other hand, if you choose not to wear a mask, and you are wrong, then you have potentially exposed everyone you have come in contact with to a dangerous virus, risking their lives and the lives of everyone they interact with. If you are right, however, all you will have gained is the satisfaction of being correct, a reward which pales in comparison to the potential risk to human life. When examined under the logical framework of Pascal’s Wager, the only bet that makes sense is to wear a mask.

Music Monday – “We didn’t come here on the Mayflower/We came on a ship in a blood red moon/We come in the age’s most uncertain hour/And sing an American tune”

I recently replied to a question on Twitter asking “Who is the most poetic lyricist in music?” by saying I wasn’t sure but Paul Simon is the only one I studied in high school poetry class so…

On that note, this is a powerful new take on one of his classics, where he doesn’t sing a word, that will put shivers up your back (or at least it did for mine!)

“American Tune” – Rhiannon Giddens with Paul Simon

Secular Sunday – The Positions Modern Religious Republicans Hold Are, Quite Literally, 100% Incorrect


Think about it. They look at the world through the lens of a religion that is clearly a fantasy. Virtually all their decisions are made looking through that lens. Consequently, virtually all of their beliefs, opinions and decisions are objectively wrong. They reject science in favor of their “faith”, so vaccines are from the Devil, it’s god who healed their cancer, etc. etc. They think morality comes from their book, so beating children is good, and slavery can be explained away, etc. They have so twisted Jesus’ supposed message that they truly believe that they shouldn’t have to help their fellow man or contribute to our society. They feel that their beliefs are so sacred that not only should they be able to impose them on others, but we shouldn’t even be allowed to criticize them. They really, actually believe that two gay guys getting married somewhere somehow affects them negatively in some way (How is never rationally explained). They’ve somehow convinced themselves that Jesus would agree that more guns will solve our gun problem in this country. I could go on and on, but you get the picture. I’m probably overlooking something, but I honestly can’t think of even one of their positions that is based in rational, scientific thought.

I don’t see how this is fixable. At least 40% of our population might as well be living in the Dark Ages. They actually believe that magic will solve our problems, and they are teaching their kids that too.

TLDR: Religious Americans hold views based on magic rather than reality, and are therefore almost completely wrong on most issues.

EDIT: I am referring to religious Republican VOTERS, not the politicians, who I think we can agree have different motivations.  (via Reddit)

Saturday Snap – Some Old Friends Return

Time to get out the bird seed…

Friday Fun Link – Paid Twitter Verified Accounts Running Amok

After paying the rather insane sum of $44 billion for Twitter, Elon Musk had to make his money back somehow.

Unfortunately, doing away with the site’s Verified program which gave a Blue Check Mark to any account that met certain criteria which, in turn, helped ensure accuracy and fairness, was replaced by a new plan that allowed anybody who paid $8/month to get a Verified checkmark.

Of course, pranksters immediately began using their newly purchased “Verified” status to spoof major corporations, politicians, and other public figures.

Plus there’s worries that this site, which is a de facto “town square” for the world might crash completely.

It’s basically a massive shit show at this point (and am I complete idiot as I’m seriously thinking of throwing a bit of money into Twitter shares?!?)