Search Results england

A White Paper for Scotland (Guest Blog Post)

So I haven’t paid too much attention to the Scottish Independence referendum (I think my first real glimmer of awareness is when Ryan Meili picked “Better Together” as a campaign slogan a couple years ago and a team member pointed out we’d be working with the “No” side in the Scottish referendum in the world […]

Music Monday – “We arrived in December and London was cold/We stayed in the bars along Charing Cross Road/We never saw nothin’ but brass taps and oak/Kept a shine on the bar with the sleeves of our coats”

Heard the very sad news today that John Mann of Spirit of the West has been diagnosed with early onset Alzheimers. Like many people who were college-aged in the 1990’s, Spirit of the West was basically a soundtrack to my life back then.  When I went to England on exchange in 1995, the lyric I quoted in […]

Good Morning Vietnam: An “Un-War” War Movie

In my RIP Robin Williams post yesterday, I mentioned that I wrote an essay while a student in England about Williams’ role in “Good Morning Vietnam”. I don’t think I’ve posted any of my undergrad work on this blog ever but given yesterday’s events, now’s as good of time as any.  Oh, and feel free to […]

RIP Robin Williams (And My Ten Favourite Robin Williams Movies)

Shocking news today that Robin Williams has died, apparently by suicide.  Based on the way my Facebook feed lit up with the news, it’s a pretty safe bet that I’m not unique in thinking of him as one of my favourite actors. His range in both comedies and dramas was outstanding and his genuine humanity […]

It’s Not Just the Numbers; It’s The Story Behind The Numbers

I find increasingly that I have a few standard lines that I repeat to myself as little koans of wisdom.  One of these is “Don’t just look at the numbers; look to find the story behind the numbers.” This graphic, which is making the rounds on social media today, sums this idea up perfectly. A […]

How Fan Loyalty Changed Throughout the World Cup / World Cup Footballs Throughout History

Congrats Germany! A couple final World Cup links… How fan loyalty changed throughout the World Cup World Cup footballs throughout history A cool fan-made video does a great job of capturing what it’d be like to be there, taking in the World Cup festivities (although he seems overly taken with the “RAF from England shot […]

Friday Fun Link – A Few Links About The World Cup of Soccer

* Jon Oliver on the mixed emotions football fans feel towards a game that’s more like a religion for most of them and the corrupt body that oversees the quadrennial tournament… * Twitter has enabled graphic hashtags of national flags for the World Cup. * Brazil’s inequality summed up in one stark football-related – although […]

Bon Jovi Baby

This clip is hilarious, not just because it reminds me of the things my own kids do now but also because it reminds me of the folk-punk band I was in while on exchange to England which regularly integrated Bon Jovi lyrics into our own songs (in this case, the song became “I want her/Dead […]

About Me

Here is a year-by-year timeline of the highlights of my life… 1973 Age  0 – Hello world! 1974 Age  1 – Eat, shit, sleep.  Repeat. (Although this photo looks like I might’ve accidentally added a comma between “eat” and “shit” that didn’t need to be there, I assure you those are yams I’m eating!) 1975 […]

Spoiler Alert! (Hint: Green Is Going Grey) #riders #greycup #yqr

I had to work today so had set the PVR to record the Riders vs. Stamps Western Final CFL game.  I also strategized how to not accidentally hear the score before I got home – no glimpses at Facebook on my smartphone, no checking Twitter at my break, only trying to make the most  generic […]