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Saturday Snap – Me at @saskbookawards 2017 (and Some Random Thoughts On The Awards, Life, and How I Got There)

So, I once again attended the Sask Book Awards tonight. Here are a few random thoughts… Was flying solo tonight as Shea decided to take advantage of the great weather and her parents (her mom works shift work) being off to take the kids and go to Weyburn for the weekend. Yes, I wore an olive […]

Music Monday – “An old man said to me, won’t see another one/And then he sang a song, The rare old mountain dew/I turned my face away/And dreamed about you”

I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about getting older, life, and mortality the past year in a variety of ways – from unexpected illness (Gord Downie) and death (Prince, David Bowie) of relatively young celebrities to the death of my Aunt Verna who is my first aunt or uncle to die out of my […]

Saturday Snap – Farewell Mosiac Stadium #riders #yqr #mosaicmoments #mosaicmemories

Everyone else is sharing their memories of Taylor Field today so I thought I’d share a few of mine… I have no memory of my first game but I have two aunts who’ve had season tickets since forever so as a kid, we’d occasionally be given their tickets and I’d get to go to a […]

An Unintentional Trip Down Memory Lane

Contemplating a Luther College Dorm Room Shea and I rarely take three weeks’ vacation at a time – we usually spread our holiday allotment out through the year – some in the winter (especially in years when we can afford a hot holiday), a week or two in summer (sometimes together and sometimes not) and then […]

Music Monday – “I can’t sleep tonight/Everybody saying everything’s alright/Still I can’t close my eyes/I’m seeing a tunnel at the end of all these lights”

This is a very fitting song for the United Kingdom in a week that saw the population unexpectedly vote to leave the European Union via a very narrow margin in the “Brexit” referendum and then another upset as England is knocked out of the Euro Football Championships by Iceland of all places (cue jokes about England not being […]

Gord Downie Taught Me To Dance: Memories of A Band That Defined Me and My Country

So I woke up today to the very sad news that Gord Downie, lead singer of the Tragically Hip, has terminal brain cancer. Obviously, as you age, it’s natural that your own heroes and icons will age ahead of you. But 2016 has been a rough year where we lost some top-shelf music icons – […]

Music Monday – “Uri Gagarin/Flew into the sun/The angels in heaven/Look down where he lay”

I think I posted this in a long ago Music Monday but heard it recently and felt the need to post it again. Such great memories of my undergrad exchange to England during the height of the Britpop/Cool Britannia years with a song that pretty much defines the “Britpop” sounds for me… “Angel Interceptor” – […]

101 Things That Make Me Happy

In completely random order… Sasha Pace Shea The Flames Kicking Ass This Year Tropical Holidays Helping People With Technology Problems at the Library Our Dozen or So Young Regulars Who Hang At the Library Craft Beer iPhones and Knowing That I Have A Device in My Pocket More Powerful Than The Computers That Sent A […]

Regina’s Status As Fly-Over Country Confirmed #yqrcc #yqr

When I was in England on exchange in 1995, I would sometimes go to the college library and read the UK’s national papers. I still remember looking at the Travel section of The Weekend Times and seeing an ad for a “Cross-Canada Adventure”.  After landing in the maritimes, you would take a coach through Quebec and […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – This One Time, In Scotland…

I know I just posted some old pictures in a post about the Scottish referendum but since the actual referendum is today AND it’s Throwback Thursday, I realise I should’ve held off on that post until today. So , even though you just saw them, here they are again along with a bit more of the […]