Search Results england

Definition of a Corporate Farm?

  Interesting question on r/saskatchewan today – what’s the difference between a “family farm” and a “corporate farm” with a wide range of opinions being shared. For me, the main indicator of a “family farm” is any farm that has an owner who is a single individual (often including extended family members – a spouse, […]

Music Monday – “Well, Canada’s been good to us/We’ve a living and a home/We’ve all got central heating air/And most are on the phone/I’m a citizen of both countries/And very proud to be/For the thistle and the maple leaf/Are the emblems of the free”

Happy Canada Day! I recently re-discovered this photo of myself and four other four Canadians on exchange to the University College of Ripon & York St. John (say that three times fast!) in 1995. I can’t remember the impetus for our fashion choice – maybe at a dance or for the new student orientation? – […]

Goodbye to Our Babysitter (and Some Thoughts On A Lucky Life)

When I did my ten part series on the things that have been major factors in making me who I am today, I thought about finishing with a post about a few things – liberals tend to think in terms of “privilege”, right wingers might think of it as “hard work”, the superstitious might just […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – How Did I Get Here? – Summary (and Addendum)

So I’ve finished my ten-part series on the various things that have contributed to how I became the person that I am.  Some of the entries were stronger than others – more insightful and less narrative “I did this and then this and then this” but overall, they’ve been useful for me to consider those […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – How Did I Get Here? – #5 – Sociability

Okay, let’s resume the series I started before we left for Mexico where I write about some of the major things that have impacted the person I am today. The first four were my parents, my friends, books and travel (I won’t link to them here as I’ll probably do a master list at the […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – How Did I Get Here? – #4 – Travel

Not sure if I’ll end up blogging much when we’re in Mexico next week but I thought making “travel” #4 in this series would be a good way to head into our holiday either way. The funny part is that my love of travel actually starts from a weird piece of family trivia – I […]

Friday Fun Link – Dubai Fireworks (Full)

I’m sure I’ve mentioned before that my highest mark for a presentation in library school was one I did that was actually in a journalism class. My presentation was about online video and how it allows you to transcend both space and time in a way that other previous media (television, radio, etc.) couldn’t. This video from […]

My 10 Favourite Christmas Songs

I’ve posted a lot of Christmas songs over the years, mostly as Music Monday posts, but I don’t think I’ve ever tried to make a list of my favourite Xmas songs, at least until now. So what makes a great Christmas song in my mind? Weirdly with how joyful the season is, my favourites mostly […]

Comparing Some Swedish Guy’s 7 Year (7000 Hour) Guitar Progress To My Own 22 (!) Year, Didn’t Count The Hours Guitar Journey

I bought my first guitar after coming back from a University exchange to England in 1995.  It cost me $60 and I still have it.  It’s an El Degas model which is Spanish for “cheap crap”. 🙂 (Wow, Google tells me these guitars were actually made in Japan and mostly exported to Canada in the […]

Throwback Thursday- #tbt – Grasshopper Cafe, Amsterdam (Fall 1995)

Figured this would be a good week to dig deep in the photo albums for a shot from a weekend trip to Amsterdam our host college arranged while I was on a semester exchange to England in 1995. (That England trip will probably fill 7/10 spots if I ever do a “Fondest Pot Memories” list […]