Saturday Snap – Horse Fair at Bell Barn, Indian Head, Saskatchewan

Bell Barn





Horse Drawn Plow

Friday Fun Link – Climbing Shelves in a Children’s Library

A Mexican public library uses shelving that doubles as climbing structures.

I can hear the lawsuits coming from a mile away if a library tried to do this in Canada but personally I love the idea!

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Great Picture of My Mom (Oct 2007)

This is one of my all-time favourite pics of my mom (and a cropped version remains as her Facebook profile picture since I first helped her set-up an account on that site!)

The photo was taken during a Long Term Service Awards dessert banquet for Regina-Qu’Appelle Health Region Employees.

Although I wish I could take credit, I think the photo was taken by either the official photographer for the event or possibly the spouse of someone we were sitting with.

grandma and pace from photographer don heenan

Two Months to Canadian Federal Election

The Federal Election was called nearly three weeks ago and I haven’t written about it nearly as much as I thought I would.

I mean, if you’ve read this blog for more than a couple days, I think my politics are pretty clear.  Beyond that, there are tons of others who are covering every aspect of the election in great detail and although I’m reading these sites voraciously, I haven’t been adding my own voice.

But this is also the longest election campaign in modern Canadian history so I suspect I’ll be doing more blogging about things over the next couple months.

Stay tuned…

50 Years of #yqr Copper Kettle Restaurant

The Copper Kettle is a local institution and I’m proud that one of the times I called over to order pizza for a meeting at the library, I ended up having Mr. Gardikiotis take my order personally.

When he heard I was with the library, he replied “Oh, the library!  I love the library!  You did so much for me to help learn English when I first came to Canada.”

Amazing how many stories like that there are in our (and any) community about the role the library plays in helping change people’s lives.

Music Monday – Oasis Full Concert

So cool how you can find full concerts on YouTube.  Oasis will always remind me of my semester abroad in 1995 although this one’s actually from 2005…

Saturday Snap – Best Friends

Shea found Pace with our cat, Koko, ready to sleep with him the other night.

Koko even got his own blanket and pillow!

Pace and Koko Bedtime

Friday Fun Link – Extreme Close Ups of Things

This week has had slow motion.  Now let’s see extreme close-ups!

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Paul McCartney Concert in #yqr (Aug 14, 2013)

Two years since the best concert of my life…

Paul McCartney Out There Concert in Regina Saskatchewan


Paul McCartney on stage at the Out There Concert in Regina Saskatchewan


And of course, in this day and age, somebody appears to have uploaded the entire concert, from start to finish, to YouTube!  (If I’d know that, I could’ve saved 250 clams on my ticket!) 😉


Awesome Bike Jumps in Slow Motion

As mentioned in Sunday’s post about our recent camping highlights, here’s a video clip Pace basically compiled himself after I showed him the basics of using iMovie.  This includes adding sound effects, visual effects, trimming some of the clips, duplicating others and more.

If you happen to have a Google/YouTube account, feel free to “Like” and/or comment on this video as Pace wants to get a million views like his hero, Stampy Longnose! 😉