Best iPhone Slow Motion Clips

Music Monday – “And it don’t matter if you don’t believe/Come Sunday morning/You best be there in the front row/Like you’re supposed to”

My most played song during our recent camping trip…

Merry Go Round” – Kacey Musgraves

Five Highlights From Two Weeks of Camping

Back from nearly two weeks’ straight of camping…

We spent a week up at Good Spirit Provincial Park near Yorkton, had a few days back in Regina to re-stock over the August long weekend (very strange to be driving in to Regina as an endless stream of campers were heading out!)  We then went down to Nickle Lake near Weyburn where Shea’s folks have a seasonal site and our r-Pod fit nicely in front of their giant fifth wheel, like a baby whale swimming in front of its momma. 😉

Five Highlights From Our Recent Camping Trips

Toddler Trapped in Camper

1. “Highlight” isn’t the right word but Sasha managed to end up somehow locking the deadbolt in Grandpa and Grandma’s fifth wheel camper trapping herself inside, all alone, one evening! We couldn’t talk her through opening the door so after calls to locksmith (not around), local RV salesperson at home (no master key for deadbolts, only regular locks), tow truck (no tools for this type of situation) plus trying every neighbour’s key we could find, grandpa ended up drilling the lock to get it open. Luckily Sasha didn’t get into anything dangerous (later we imagined all the possibilities – everything from pills to sharp knives to the switches for the pop-outs!) and the only thing she did was find a bottle of Nestle chocolate syrup, pour herself a giant glassful and drank it straight!

Storm Clouds Over Good Spirit Lake

2. On our first couple nights at Good Spirit, we caught the edge of a giant rain storm that battered Regina a couple weeks ago (one person tweeted that Regina got as much rain in 24 hours as it had in all of May/June/July combined in our very hot dry summer).  This proved that four of us can survive in the tight quarters of the rPod and also provided a great lightning show through our window after the kids were (finally) asleep!

Swimming at Nickle Lake

3.  We went out on Grandpa’s boat at Nickle Lake a couple times and the person who loved swimming the most was…Sasha!  It’s a terrible analogy but her face when she’s in the water paddling around reminds me of a puppy when it sees its owner – just pure joy!  Her and I swam for a long time and we even went into the shallows where we found some freshwater clams.

4.  There’s a longer video to follow but Pace went riding his bike in “The Pits” which is a hidden dirt pit in the trees near Grandpa and Grandma’s site.  We ended up using the slo-mo feature on the iPhone to make a bunch of clips then I showed him the basics of using iMovie and within minutes, Pace was clicking away – inserting and mixing clips, adding sound effects, trimming stuff, etc.  It was actually sort of mind-blowing to see how quickly he picked it up!

First Time Driving at Family Farm

5. Technically not part of our camping trips but on the weekend in between, we ran out to our family cottage at Katepwa Lake to spend an afternoon with my parents.  On the way back, we stopped at our family farm where both Sasha (assisted) and Pace (unassisted) got to practice driving down the lane.

Gone Camping (Again)…

I’m really enjoying every time I get to post this photo… 😉

Made with chocolate covered hob-nob cookie!

Made with chocolate covered hob-nob cookie!

Saturday Snap – Helping Mom Make Saskatoon Tarts

Her main job is “sampling”…

Making Saskatoon Tarts

Friday Fun Link – Funny Shades of Grey

Shea and I may or may not have recently subjected ourselves to one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen.

We probably should’ve just watched the (honest) trailer and/or some video reviews. Make sure you watch the “Elders React” one – it’s hilarious!

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – BA – English

Often when I’m out at the University of Regina, I’ll wander the halls of the ol’ alma mater to see what’s changed and what’s stayed the same.

In a very “Dead Poet’s Society” moment, I came across my photo on the wall during a visit a few years back.  Look at that young whippersnapper, all edjamacated and ready to take on the world! 😉

University of Regina Grad Photo

Music Monday (on a Wednesday) – “Older” – They Might Be Giants

We got home Monday which would’ve made it perfect to post this as my weekly Music Monday video.

But instead, I somehow thought it was Tuesday so I didn’t bother even bother.  I’m posting it now with belated thanks to the person who posted it on my Facebook wall…

Google Maps Street View Player – Pike Lake to Outlook

Inspired by the first portion of our route home today – from Pike Lake Provincial Park half an hour south of Saskatoon where we spent the weekend camping on to the Outlook Regional Park where we stopped for lunch – I found a web site that allows you to “drive” between two locations using Google Street View images.

Very handy for previewing (or remembering) your travels!

Gone Camping (again)

Posts will likely be few and far between until next week…

Made with chocolate covered hob-nob cookie!

Made with chocolate covered hob-nob cookie!