Pace’s First Day of Grade Three (and Grade Two and Grade One and Kindergarten)

Shea ended up posting all these “First Day” pics on Facebook so I thought I’d re-post them here for posterity…


Grade One

Pace-Grade One

Grade Two

Pace-Grade Two

Grade Three

Pace-Grade Three

Music Monday – “Who muzzles the poor scientist?/Calls troubled people “terrorists”?/Who wants the courts to just say yes?/Suppresses freedom of the press?”

The “Harperman” protest song is interesting for a number of reasons:

At issue is whether Turner violated the code of ethics that all public servants must adhere to — one that mandates they be impartial and non-partisan.

At the same time, the courts have upheld public servants’ right to engage in political activity.

  • Part of the question is whether an individual’s Charter right to freedom of expression trumps any employment agreements which is something the Supreme Court has upheld.
  • That last point is especially relevant as the songwriter does perform in his personal life, completed this project on his personal time and it has no direct bearing on the type of work he does on a day-to-day basis.
  • The song has created a “Streisand Effect” where, by trying to hide/remove/censor something that someone doesn’t like, they actually give it more attention (in fact, this video is heading towards half a million views as I type this)



“Enough” – Great NDP Ad

One of my pet peeves is people who say that all politicians are the same.

It is true that there are good and bad people in every party but the level of corruption and criminality in the current Conservative party is unparalleled in Canadian history.

Saturday Snap – This Looked More Dangerous Than It Was…



Friday Fun Link – Inspirograph

If you loved playing Spirograph as a kid, you might enjoy the digital version as well!

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Back to School

Here’s a shot of the elementary school I attended growing up.

I took this picture when we were back to Indian Head for a visit a few years ago but the look of the building including that 1980’s colour scheme hasn’t changed.  (The playground however has changed quite a bit.)

We went past my elementary school during a more recent visit and when I pointed the school out to Pace, he asked “Did you take the bus to school like I do?”  Nope, city kid, we had to walk to school when I was a boy – only the lucky farm kids got to ride on a bus!

Indian Head Elementary School

How Australia and Other Developed Nations Have Put An End To Gun Violence

I wouldn’t say we’ve “put an end to” gun violence in Canada but our numbers (like those in most developed nations) are extremely low compared to the US.

There are a whole host of interconnected reasons why this is the case.  But I think one of the largest is the fact that gun ownership is enshrined in the US Constitution.  That makes it extremely difficult for their society, even anti-gun activists, to change a deeply held belief, even though the rule was written 300 years ago in a time of muskets and meant to defend against an enemy that was an ocean by sailing ship away.

The regularity of deadly mass shootings in the US has become the darkest form of satire.

But something’s got to give someday

The Eyes Have It – Jim Flaherty Reacts When Stephen Harper Says He Didn’t Tell Ray Novak About Nigel Wright Payment #canpoli #cndpoli #duffy #harper #lyingliars

No matter your politics, the late Jim Flaherty (who was Stephen Harper’s Finance Minister) is widely regarded as a stand-up guy – honest, sincere, and reliable.

That’s what makes Flaherty’s reaction to Stephen Harper talking about the Mike Duffy payment by Nigel Wright during Question Period in the House of Commons so incriminating.

Tim Powers, vice-chairman of Summa Strategies and a Conservative strategist, had this to say after viewing the video: “If a picture tells a thousand words I imagine many of Jim’s would have been ‘holy’ and ‘shit’.”


Music Monday – “I know this isn’t what you planned for me/Mothers have hopes for their sons/Along with the shame/I have brought to the family/All I feel is the weight of the gun”

Weight of a Gun” – Corb Lund Band

How Google Could Rig the Election

This is about next year’s American election but could apply equally to the upcoming Canadian election.

Our new research leaves little doubt about whether Google has the ability to control voters. In laboratory and online experiments conducted in the United States, we were able to boost the proportion of people who favored any candidate by between 37 and 63 percent after just one search session. The impact of viewing biased rankings repeatedly over a period of weeks or months would undoubtedly be larger.

The article touches both on search engine optimization techniques but also Google’s potential ability to manipulate results under the guise of giving the best results but how that is always subject to interpretation and if Google happens to favour a candidate seen as better for powerful tech companies so much the better.