Friday Fun Link – “It was Google back in the day.” Teens React to Encyclopedias

Bonus footage:

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Cuba Libre! (March 2011)

This is the reminder that popped up on my work computer the day before we left for Cuba a few years back

Cuba Libre

Apple 2015 WWDC

Lots of big announcements from Apple today…


/r/Human – A subreddit to celebrate respectful disagreements on Reddit, and the graceful admittance of fault.

Amazing that a spot like this exists on the Internet which is not known for people respectfully disagreeing and/or ever admitting they’re wrong! 😉

Music Monday – New #NDP Ad: “Would you stand up and walk out on me?” #cndpoli #canpoli #skpoli

The NDP has released an effective new ad that highlights some of Stephen Harper’s “friends” – various criminals, fraudsters and cheaters…

That’s pretty bad but this ad only highlights the senators (Mike Duffy, Pamela Wallin) and other insiders (Nigel Wright) at the top of the Conservative party.

There have also been some recent revelations that show the Conservatives haven’t done very good in picking ethical, trustworthy, fair-minded local candidates either…


Now, it’s no secret that all parties vet their candidates.  This involves the candidates filling out a report of anything that could be embarrassing to themselves or the party if they are allowed to run.  The vetting may also include interviews with screeners and various other tests to ensure the candidate lives up to each party’s standards and won’t disrupt the party’s message during the campaign.

And all parties have had situations where candidates have slipped through and caused later embarrassment when their past transgressions were revealed.

But there’s something especially embarrassing about these particular Conservative slip-ups, both given the nature of the offenses (again, who pees in a cup in a customer’s kitchen?) and also because some of these things were easily discoverable (the actor with the YouTube channel, the pot possession guy who claims to have revealed the charge *during* the Conservative’s vetting process and of course, Mr. Pee Pee whose incriminating video was played on a CBC program THREE YEARS AGO!)

A common joke about all of these situations is that the Conservatives are spending more time vetting reporters and others in their audiences than they are their candidates.

But that’s more sad than funny as far as I’m concerned.

“Matthew tells us that Jesus and his family fled the wrath of Herod and were refugees in Egypt…” #canpoli #cndpoli

So it’s no secret that I’m an atheist.

One of the many reasons I lost whatever inherited belief I had as a child growing up was seeing the wide range of hypocritical behaviours by (so-called) believers.

I never saw the proverbial “stepping over the homeless person to get to the church on time” (or much worse).  But I did see many things that I couldn’t map against what I understood of the Bible and Jesus’ teachings.

I mean, the Bible has some things that are pretty hard to interpret.  But it’s also pretty clear on other things, including the biggies.

Although I’m not religious, I was very interested to hear the take of Father Malcolm French, an Anglican priest when he posted on Facebook that his sermon this week would be about the recent death of three year old refugee, Alan Kurdi.  I met Malcolm through the world of politics and I very much respect him (even with the one quite large blind spot he has in his life!) 😉

You can hear and read his very moving sermon online.

But it makes me wonder about (all) our hypocrisies and how they make us complicit – whether you’re religious but selectively read the Bible.  Or if you think that “those people” should stay in their country without recognizing that, unless you’re Aboriginal, you’re descended from immigrants seeking a better life too.  Or if you write long blog posts about your confusion and rage but don’t do anything else (even a small donation to the Red Cross or Doctors Without Borders or War Child.)

Uhm, be right back…

Saturday Snap – Parkour Lesson @FluxRegina #yqr

Pace went for a trial parkour lesson at Flux School of Human Movement today.

Here’s a series of photos of one of the moves they learned – the Lache.






Friday Fun Link – Barack Obama Dances With Kids During Alaska Trip

After yesterday’s depressing post, I needed something to raise my spirits.

This story and video of Barack Obama’s visit to Alaska (including the fact that’s he’s the first POTUS to use a selfie stick and also that a fish ejaculated on him) definitely helps…

“His Name Was Alan Kurdi”

By Source (WP:NFCC#4), Fair use,

A “refugee crisis” is something far away and remote.  Kenya.  Bangladesh.  Syria.

Foreign.  Easily ignored.

But this.  This is something different.

This is a child.

A child whose death has given a face to the millions of other children and adults around the world who are fleeing natural disasters and famine and war.

A child posed as if sleeping, no different than any other toddler who has ever lived.

But not sleeping.

I mean, what else can you say about our pale blue dot humanity that lives by imaginary borders and bureaucratic rules and ancient superstitions?

What else can you say indeed?

Maybe in the spirit of “Think Global and Act Local”, I’ll share a story from my library…

We have an elderly gentleman who comes in regularly.  He is from Africa and lived in a Kenyan refugee camp before making his way to Canada a decade ago.  I’ve helped him at various times with using the computer and applying for jobs and so on.

I do that for any patron who asks but as I’ve gotten to know him a bit, I started to feel a special connection to this man.  And the strangest thing is that part of the reason I feel that connection is because he – African, skinny, grey-haired, missing teeth – reminds me of my grandfather.

Like I said, it’s the strangest thing but there’s something about how he carries himself, how he speaks, even how he looks (er, minus some extra pigmentation of course) that reminds me of my Grandpa Wally.

And when I think about this on a day like today, I realise that the connection I’m feeling isn’t really about my grandfather.  On some bigger level, I hope it’s because I’m recognizing a common humanity between these two elderly men separated by continents and decades and circumstances who share a single connection.  No, not me – they both share the connection that all humans have – wanting the best life possible for ourselves and our children.

Now I’m not saying I’m some unique hero for recognizing that everyone on earth wants this (and deserves it.)  Or that part of how you get there is when we all try to treat everyone as equal – whether they’re an African refugee, a retired farmer from the Canadian prairie or a toddler crossing a gigantic sea with his parents, trying to find a better life.

It also makes me think how far we still have to go as a planet to try to treat everyone – no matter their birthplace or circumstances or skin colour with kindness and dignity and love.

And it makes me sad – sadder even than the picture of the boy on the beach – to think about how unlikely it is we’ll ever advance enough to get there.

Sasha Sleeping

Great #Saskatchewan MustardFest #yqr

Shea and I attended MustardFest with my mom last weekend (Grandpa stayed home and babysat which was just as well given how crowded the event was.)

It threatened rain like they had in 2014 but it turned into a beautiful day this year for people to celebrate one of Saskatchewan’s biggest crops.

My only suggestion is, given the increasing volume of people who come to the event each year, they should look at expanding the vendor booths and add more tables and chairs on the nearby green space off The Willow on Wascana’s patio.

Here’s a video of last year’s highlights…