Music Monday – “I know it’s true/It’s all because of you/And if I make it through/It’s all because of you”

Now and Then” – Beatles

Secular Sunday – Religious Fails

Saturday Snap – Small Town Funeral

I wish there was a better way to get the best tasting egg salad sandwiches on the planet.

Friday Fun Link – Boomerang Retro C-64 Video Game

A guy I went to school with got a game published in Compute! magazine in the late 90’s (and got a $500 payday or something wild).

These were the days were the code was printed in the magazine and you had to manually enter it to play the game.  (I still remember my Grade Six Teacher, Mr. Quelch, doing that for us which was awesome!)

I’m somewhat techie (heavily techie by librarian standards!) but I often wonder how my life might be different if I’d followed the same path as so many of my nerdy friends, 90% of whom have ended up working with computers/programming/IT in some way.). I’d probably have more money and less social skills! 😉

A retro gaming channel found my buddy’s game and played it – still pretty cool after all these years…

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Cuban Beach (March 2011)

Wisdom Wednesday – Hiring Is A Million Dollar Decision

A long time ago, a colleague gave me a way to think of hiring that totally changed how I view the process of selecting a candidate.

Before, I was just thinking “Who can best do this job?” but he pointed out that you’re not just hiring the person for the immediate job but potentially for a 30 year career where they might move up to other higher paid roles.

Or even if they don’t, a part-time page, over a potential 30 year career will still cost the organization close to a million dollars!

Suddenly, that position isn’t “just a page” but someone who you’re making a million dollar decision about on behalf of the organization!

This Actually Happened on Live TV

Music Monday – “Lord, make me a rainbow, I’ll shine down on my mother/She’ll know I’m safe with you when she stands under my colors”

If I Die Young” – Band Perry

Secular Sunday – Gone Way Too Soon

I’ve written a lot about the many many reasons I don’t believe in God.

But one of the biggest is that no matter how many “God works in mysterious ways” or “He does things to test us” excuses I hear, I can’t reconcile a merciful god that would take some of the best, most amazing, most inspirational people before their time but others including murderers and pedophiles and other evil beings live to ripe old ages.

RIP Kayla – you are gone way too soon.


Saturday Snap – Boundaries? What Boundaries?

In my Wisdom Wednesday series, I’ll eventually do a post about the difference I see between what I call “black & white” thinkers and “grey area” thinkers.  (Myers-Briggs has 16 classifications.  True Colors has 4.  Hamology basically only has 2!)

One big aspect of this difference is that are those who think there are hard boundaries between a person’s work and personal life and those who realise that is impossible.

Well, maybe not impossible if the “box” of your life is narrow and you rarely go out, don’t volunteer, don’t read the news and don’t engage with the world, I guess that may be true.

But after spending a weekend at the Sask NDP Convention as a CUPE delegate, it only reinforced how intertwined various aspects of our lives are – personal and professional, political and voluntary, friends and foes.  (And how, at the end of the day, all six of those things are political – whether you think so or not.)

In the course of a weekend, I heard about the Sask Party’s attacks on the education and healthcare systems.  I heard about their abuse of the Notwithstanding Clause and how it would affect some of the most marginalized children in the province (including one of my son’s best friends who would’ve been impacted directly if these rules were in place when that friend announced they were transgender three years ago when they graduated from grade eight and were preparing to move to high school.

During the weekend, I talked to MLAs and City Councillors and they talked to me about what’s happening at the library and in my life.

She never attended an NDP convention in her life but I talked to numerous people who knew my mother because of her long nursing career spent in Indian Head and being actively involved with SUN.

I bumped into people who I knew through CUPE’s role representing the library’s workers.

I got texts from coworkers asking how the convention was going.

I bumped into someone who works at Queensbury Center who I had helped multiple times at the library.

Someone else asked if I was still working at the last branch they saw me at (I am not.)

I spent much of Sunday responding to trolls that are probably 90% bots after one of my tweets went mini-viral (yeah, I know – don’t feed the trolls!) 😉

I skipped some NDP social events to go for drinks with another group of incredibly progressive people I enjoy spending time with and learning from.

And I heard and saw things – about homelessness and minimum wage, reading scores and poverty, addictions and immigration – that are part of my work every single day at the library.