Friday Fun Link – What Are Some Albums That Are Great For Camping?

Reddit, which has just undergone its first redesign in a decade, recently passed Facebook as the third most trafficked site in the United States.

Being able to find any kind of timely information you want – for example, ideas for some new music to listen to at your campsite – is a big part of why Reddit is so successful.

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – My Only Ontario Vote (November 2006) #ElectionDay #OntarioVotes2018 #onpooli

With the Ontario provincial election happening today, I’m reminded of the time I unexpectedly got to vote in that province.

It was while I was at Western completing my Master’s of Library Science degree and it happened during a federal byelection in London North-Centre which featured Elizabeth May parachuting in to try to win the Green party’s first seat.

I have a memory that I almost pulled the lever for her, just on the basis that I like the idea of more parties and more viewpoints having representation.  But in the voting booth (in the lobby of our apartment building if I remember correctly), I balked and put my mark beside the NDP candidate’s name (little good that it did.)

But let’s hope a wide swath of Ontarians are also willing to put an X beside the name of their NDP candidate today and the results are very different!  🙂

Doug Ford or Donald Ford?

Godspeed Ontario!

Thanks Aunt Sandi!

Our annual visit from my Aunt Sandi, who stays with us for a few weeks around Pace’s birthday each year, is over for another year.

It was another great visit with lots of laughs, great conversations, delicious meals and we even survived having windows installed in our guest room while Sandi was here.

See you next year!

Music Monday – “There’s a reason why I always reach for the harder stuff/It wasn’t my daddy’s way/He was down in the mines all day/I know he wanted more than mouths to feed and bills to pay”

Cumberland Gap” – Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit

One More From #yqrmosaic

Saturday Snap – The Kids Celebrating Their Heritage at #Mosaicyqr

Should’ve called it “The Escape Castle“?

What I imagine a Scottish princess would say…

And of course, haggis!

Friday Fun Link – Six Generations in One Picture

I think our family on my paternal grandmother’s side had five generations alive at one point but I can’t imagine six generations on the planet at one time (or even seven which the article says is the world record but with no photographic proof!)

“That’s why everyone who works retail doesn’t tell you to go fuck yourself.”

(h/t DC on FB)

Roseanne’s Plan To Bump Cosby (1989 vs. 2018 Versions)

It’s 1989 all over again with Roseanne Barr stealing headlines from Bill Cosby