George Carlin on Cynicism

Music Monday – “Well they walked that day/The next/And the next/And the water it ran out one by one/Ay mijitos/They looked like dried leaves/Scattered in the sun”

“Migrants” – Sam Baker

One of the best managers I’ve known (at least measured by how many quotes of theirs I regularly regurgitate) once said something to this effect:

One important thing to remember – those rules, policies, guidelines we have?  They’re all just words on paper.  They’re arbitrary.  And they can be changed completely tomorrow, sometimes by the same person who wrote them today. So ultimately, what you need to ask yourself every day, every transaction is ‘What am I doing to help the person standing in front of me?'”

If only we lived in a world where everyone realised this instead of the world we have now.

Happy Father’s Day!

I didn’t think to get a picture with all the dads who were around our camp site this weekend but did get separate pictures of Shea’s parents (including her dad) and my parents (including my dad *and* me) so we’ll count that as a worthwhile Father’s Day post!

Saturday Snap – A Brief Rain Whilst Camping

Friday Fun Link – Drag Queen Storytime @officialrpl #yqr

A Poster Created By One of the Participants

This idea is increasingly common in other public libraries across Canada but it’s very cool that that Regent Place where I work was the first public library branch in Regina to offer a Drag Queen Storytime as part of the Pride Festival.

The idea isn’t without controversy in some circles but I was pleasantly surprised that the vast majority of comments I saw on social media and that I heard elsewhere were inclusive and positive.

For example, as I write this, the CTV News story on FB has 178 reactions – 107 Likes, 41 Loves, 24 Mads (whom I assume are mad because they couldn’t attend!) ;-), 3 Laughing, 3 Sads (again, probably because they had other plans that day) and 28 shares.

Out of 31 comments on the FB story, the one that got the biggest reaction (numerous Likes & Loves) was as follows:

That an article about people reading to others at a library can inspire such hate and bigotry is beyond me.

This is one of the few uplifting pieces of news, it would be nice if everyone could keep their negative/bordering on disgusting comments to themselves.

On a related note, I was also excited to see on social media that RPL was named “Ally of the Year” by the Pride Festival for this event and RPL’s many other actions – from our programs to our policies to our hiring practices – not just during the Pride Festival but throughout the year.

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Ferris Wheel Smile (June 2013)

It’s become a bit of a family tradition to take the kid (and now “kids”) to a small parking lot fair that sets up every June at the Northgate Mall, close to our house, instead of the bigger, busier, more expensive Queen City Ex later in the summer.

Here’s a pic from when Pace was younger on the Ferris Wheel.  In comparison, last night, I couldn’t get him off The Fireball, the scariest, most intense ride they have!

#yqr Toilet A Top Tourist Attraction

Original Photo via Regina Leader Post

There was a time, shortly after I graduated from my MLIS program, where I seriously thought about putting together a presentation about the importance of the public washrooms in libraries – from making the entire library as a welcoming space for the widest variety of people to being a great way to promote programs to a captive audience, to including cutting edge technologies and innovations.

I never did pull it all together but I ended up bookmarking a lot of sites and downloading a lot of photos that would form a solid foundation for my presentation (which are still out there on the Internet if you know where to look – and no, I’m not going to provide links!)

The news that Regina’s Science Centre has been recognized for transforming one set of washrooms to give the sense of being in a traditional Saskatchewan outhouse is another story that would’ve gone on my bookmark list for sure!

(No word if a crescent moon is cut into the doors of the stalls or if people are required to use old Sears catalogues as TP though!) 🙂

10 Things We Did At The Library Today

  1. Helped a patron find the government forms to apply for benefits he’s entitled to.
  2. Hosted a book exchange for a nearby school’s grade seven class.
  3. Had a demo of our summer puppet show and promoted the Summer Reading Program to classes from a couple other schools.
  4. Went out to a different nearby school to promote the Summer Reading Program and do our summer puppet show.
  5. Put finishing touches on an update of our Community Asset Map and sent it off to my manager.
  6. Signed up a couple dozen more kids for the summer reading program.
  7. Created new library cards for a family who came in specifically to join the summer reading program.
  8. Discussed how to best re-arrange some shelving in our children’s area.
  9. Connected with someone who teaches in a unique school setting and discussed possible partnerships.
  10. Visited with another patron who also happens to be a community contact at a local non-profit.

Music Monday – “Seeing traces/Of the stars that came before/Hitting the pavement/Still asking for more”

I’ve got a bit of an informal Americana “camping music” theme going this month with Jason Isbell last week and now Son Volt this week…

Tear Stained Eye” – Son Volt

(Sunday) Snap – Sasha and Grandma

I missed posting yesterday since we were camping and my cell data was close to going over so I was trying to minimize anything I did online (er, some would point out that’s probably a good approach to camping in general!) 😉

Anyhow, by not posting a Saturday Snap, I ended up taking a great photo this morning of Grandma and Sasha leaving our camp site which I’m going to post as a rare “Sunday Snap” instead!