Random Thoughts From A Cold Snap

  1. The picture above is pretty much the main reason we have kids – to make them do the jobs we don’t want to do! 🙂
  2. I wish Dyson made “air blade” hand dryers but body-sized.
  3. I put money in a parking metre today and it literally took two seconds to register each coin I put in!
  4. When you get a call from your kid’s school that one of your son’s winter boots has been taken by another kid by mistake, not great.
  5. *Shocked* that we had an incredibly successful event at my library last night.  I guess the secret is to schedule events for the coldest day of the year (so far!)
  6. Did I mention how glad I am that our new house has an attached garage?
  7. I hate brutal cold but keep telling myself it’s better than living somewhere with hurricanes, floods, poisonous animals, mudslides, earthquakes, air pollution, etc. etc.

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