Who Said Non-Stop Playing Video Games Was Bad For You?

Incredibly proud of Pace who, along with two of his classmates from Thom Collegiate, got voted by his peers as having the second most popular video game in the video game class he took at Campus Regina!

The class had students from high schools all across Regina and 13 different games being demoed at the end of the year!

Beyond getting regular updates about the game’s progress, a highlight will always be a car ride home from an appointment where Pace excitedly took me through all the various drum loops and music samples that he had created.

And as a parent, I can’t help but wonder if this is a hint about a possible future career?

(I don’t think it helped but it was also cool to be able to work with the teacher to arrange a tour of Regina Public Library’s Digital Media Studio as a field trip!)

Music Monday – “If you think you’re getting away, I will prove you wrong/I’ll take you all the way, boy, just come along/Hear me when I say, hey”

Murder on the Dancefloor” – Sophie Ellis-Bextor

Secular Sunday – “It’s Sheer Bullshit” (Richard Dawkins on Jordan Peterson’s Theology)

Saturday Snap – If This Isn’t Nice, I Don’t Know What Is

Vonnegut was the master and, along with George Carlin and John Lennon, one of the people who’s probably influenced my worldview the most…


Friday Fun Link – The Surprising Pattern Behind Colour Names Around The World

Cool video my son told me about…

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Holy Sheet! (December 2015)

Our daughter picked up some interesting language when she was young that she put into use while touching the Christmas tree…


Wisdom Wednesday – Other People’s Strengths Are A Complement, Not A Threat

My first boss in libraries told me how important it was to have a team that had varied backgrounds and skill sets.

“Everybody thinks it would be better to have a bunch of underlings who were just like them but that’s the worst thing you could have.”

(Of course there was some irony that two of his librarians were reservists in the military so very deferential to authority by training and the other was from a cultural background that is stereotyped for being deferential and quiet.)

Anyhow, it’s the old “Team of Rivals” thing – much harder for a manager/supervisor but much better for the overall organization in the long run.

And honestly, “Rivals” isn’t even a great word but “Team of Complementary Pieces” doesn’t have the same ring! 😉

Why We All Need Subtitles Now

And I thought Shea and I were just getting older! 😉

Music Monday – “Twirling ’round with this familiar parable/Spinning, weaving ’round each new experience/Recognize this as a holy gift and/Celebrate this chance to be alive and breathing”

Helping my son with his math homework and so he recommended this song…


Parabola” – Tool

Secular Sunday – Even Religion Gets It Right Sometimes?