Category Archives: Wisdom

Charlie-Related Google Searches

Since we got Charlie, Google has been our constant source of tips, information and reassurances.  Here’s a sample of some of our Charlie-related searches: “How long do puppies sleep at night?” “Can dogs eat strawberries/celery/tomatoes/raw meat/noodles/potato chips/jalapenos/rice/pancakes/potatoes, etc. etc.” “Why do dogs like to eat Kleenex?” “What is a natural laxative for dogs?” “Do dogs […]

Comedians on Censorship and PC/Cancel Culture


Music Monday – “Experience Regina” (Well, It Was An Experience To Be in Regina This Weekend Anyhow!)

“Experience Regina” Parody (Watch It To See Some of Regina’s “Highlights”) You may have heard that Tourism Regina recently rebranded. It started with a teaser clip and message on social media at the start of March: It’s All Happening… Let’s push the narrative; the same old is boring. Our city is changing, and that means […]

Secular Sunday – Who Has An Agenda?

Projection at its finest?

Friday Fun Link – Marie Kondo Gives Up On Cleaning After Third Child

Just after my older daughter was born, I felt unable to forgive myself for not being able to manage my life as I had before,” she wrote. “But, with time, I eased up on myself; then, after I gave birth to my second daughter, I let go of my need for perfection altogether. I am […]

Secular Sunday – 10 Things This Atheist Worships

If not a deity, what else do I have incredible reverence for? My Family All Aspects of Science All Aspects of Technology The Human Brain Books of All Kinds Incredible Athletes/Athletic Performances Amazing Musicianship Humanity In All Its Crazy Glory Nature In All Its Infinite Variety But more specially, The Beach And more specifically than […]

Why Is Covid Denial So Dangerous?

(via Reddit)

The Sandwich Generation

I talked to a twenty-something young man the other day who had never heard the term “Sandwich Generation”. Basically, the idea is that anyone who has kids (whether they’re young or older but who still need financial support and/or who live at home) and also elderly parents who they are responsible for caring for is […]

Covid News and Research Round-Up

Random thoughts: * Covid isn’t over even if people are acting as if it is. * I don’t think its fear-mongering/living in fear to pay attention to what is being reported by scientists, medical professionals and others. * I have a pet peeve with people who say “My Covid was mild” which I hear as […]

Music Monday – “Well did you hear?/There’s a natural order/Those most deserving will end up with the most/That the cream cannot help but always rise up to the top/Well I say, “Shit floats”

“Running The World” – Jarvis Cocker