Charlie-Related Google Searches

Since we got Charlie, Google has been our constant source of tips, information and reassurances.  Here’s a sample of some of our Charlie-related searches:

“How long do puppies sleep at night?”

“Can dogs eat strawberries/celery/tomatoes/raw meat/noodles/potato chips/jalapenos/rice/pancakes/potatoes, etc. etc.”

“Why do dogs like to eat Kleenex?”

“What is a natural laxative for dogs?”

“Do dogs like music?”

“Songs that make dogs sleep?”

“Are dogs ticklish?”

“What does it mean when a dog licks your face?”

“Is dog saliva dangerous to humans?”

“How soon after neutering can a dog have a bath?”

“Tips to stop dog jumping after neutering?”

“Can dogs take Tylenol?”

“Does a dog know how long you’ve been gone?”

“Does a dog have a sense of time?”

“Are there any kinds of nuts a dog can’t eat?”

“How many raisins are dangerous for a dog?”

“Why are raisins poisonous to dogs?”

“How much of a bully stick should a dog eat at one time?”

“Why does my dog have his tongue out all the time?”

“How to tell how smart a dog is?”

“Essential tricks to teach your dog.”

“How long can a dog go walking in cold weather?”

“How many treats can a dog have in one day?”

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