Category Archives: List

10 Things That Make You A Bad Campground Guest

I did a list of “10 Things That Make You A Bad All-Inclusive Guest” previously so with a summer of camping slowly drawing to a close once again, I thought I’d do a similar list for camping (obviously, mostly to do with seasonal RV camping, not back country tenting which is a whole different ballgame!)… […]

Who’s In My Covid Bubble?

Now that we’ve been going out more for shopping, staying in our seasonal campsite since the start of June, I’ve been back to work for over a month, and we’ve even been brave enough to eat at a couple restaurants (only patios though, not inside!), I thought it might be interesting to think about who’s […]

Five Reasons Masks Are Great (Beyond Helping to Prevent Covid)

Hide if you have lettuce in your teeth Allow you to make faces at people you’re talking to Covers up if you have bad breath (six feet distancing helps too!) Allows you to make a unique fashion statement. Helps keep the economy going (and why do people who refuse to wear masks hate capitalism so […]

50 Memories of Covid Quarantine

I’ve been fortunate to be able to work from home since March 18 but as I take another big step and prepare to head to my first full week back in the library this week (with our branch to open to the public soon as well), I thought it might be interesting to make a […]

Five Thoughts As I Enter My Fourth Month of Quarantine

I did a list like this about a month ago and so I thought I’d do another one as I’m now a few days into my *fourth* month of quarantine to see what’s front of mind these days… 1. Public libraries *finally* have a date for permitted opening which will be Phase Four Stage Two […]

Five Reasons We’re Happy to Be Camping During COVID

As mentioned previously, Shea and I are looking forward to camping this summer as much as possible.  Thinking about the Covid world we live in, there are a few reasons why we’re happy this is our hobby! If our summer plans included a trip to BC or Alberta or other out-of-province destinations, we’d have all […]

Five Things That Make Covid-19 The Perfect Disaster

No matter how bad they are, most of the time, disasters tend to be localized events -hurricanes, tsunamis, even droughts – that areas recover from soon after the event. Covid is the perfect disaster in a few ways… 1. Its devastation is truly worldwide.  I was reading a book about pandemics and the author observed […]

The Beatles’ 35 Greatest Guitar Techniques

Music Monday – “They have the authority to kill a minority/Fuck that shit, ’cause I ain’t the one/For a punk motherfucker with a badge and a gun” (And Some Random Thoughts on The US Situation)

“Fuck The Police” – NWA Here’s a few other random thoughts about what’s happening in the US the past few days after the murder of unarmed black man, George Floyd, by a group of Minneapolis Police Officers. * I honestly thought that the US was on the verge of something ugly (uglier?) because of COVID-19 […]

Five Reasons Libraries Should Begin Re-opening (and Five Reasons They Shouldn’t)

In a time of unprecedented challenges, the big debate in libraryland is how/when libraries should reopen. There are good reasons on both sides of the ledger but as Saskatchewan libraries inch closer to reopening, here’s a few of the main ones… LIBRARIES *SHOULD* BEGIN RE-OPENING 1. The single biggest reason libraries should be reopening is […]