Category Archives: Jobs

Friday Frustrated Link – A Great Explanation of Why Teachers Are Taking Job Action

No “Fun” post this week – only frustration… A great thread from Instagram about why teachers are walking out again on Monday, and why it is so important for teachers and folks who care about the quality of education in this province to stand up to the Sask Party. It’s too important to back down. […]

Friday Fun Link – Ric Flair’s Drinking

Wrestlers are notorious for their appetites but this is something…  

Wisdom Wednesday – Morbidity and Mortality Conferences

I just finished a book called “The Big Fail: What The Pandemic Revealed About Who It Protects and Who it Leaves Behind” which is a fairly even handed look at the Covid pandemic, three years after it began, by the same journalists who wrote “Smartest Guys in the Room” about the Enron scandal. This book […]

Saturday Snap – Our House Is Smarter Than We Are!

Had a technician out to do some upgrading to our Internet service and he laughed and said we had more connected devices than any house he’s ever seen!

Wisdom Wednesday – “Oh Man, Oh God”

We all find sanity and solace in different things…

Wisdom Wednesday – “You’re being incredibly unreasonable and someone needs to take the stick out of your ass.”

Little break from my usual rambles about management theory to share a TikTok my wife sent me. It’s the hilarious story of a boss who totally overreacts and makes a bigger deal than needed out of an employee being late due to a flat tire.  Absolutely hilarious and the person who made this TikTok nailed […]

Wisdom Wednesday – The Three Levels of Relationship in Any Workplace

The three levels of relationships that exist for all employees, at any level, are: 1. with those who are above you in the hierarchy 2. those who are below you 3. those who are at the same level as you In my experience, people tend to be good in one or two of these “directions” […]

Secular Sunday – Sunday Reflections

(h/t to SA on FB)

Wisdom Wednesday – Your Real Job Is To Be A Translator

I was in an OH&S meeting once where they were talking about buying walkie-talkies so staff could more easily communicate with each other in our large Central branch. One of the clerks spoke up and said “What sort of training will we get?” A high level manager could barely hide her distain as she replied […]

Saturday Snap – Tough Day at the Office!

Been sick the past couple days but dragged my ass into work as I had a big event on.  I texted Shea to ask if she was going to bring the kids and she replied “I feel like absolute crap. I did a Covid test and it negative but I feel like I was hit […]