Daily Archives Sunday, April 2007

Dear Hockey Gods – By Flashpoint

I don't hate the shootout as much as some people do.  I  actually have a much bigger problem with a scoring system that allows for some games to be worth 3 points and others 2  (if I was in charge, a win is 2 points, a loss is 0 points no matter when it happens, […]

Your Next NDP Candidate in the Souris-Moose Mountain Constituency Is…

A couple months ago, I wrote about how I attended the local NDP association's AGM with Shea's uncle who's big with the NDP (he ran in the 2000 Federal election) during a visit to Weyburn.  During the meeting, one old-timer had leaned over and asked if I might be interested in running.  I told him […]

And Now I Am A Librarian!

Well, after four interviews, three months of waiting, two offers, and one really big decision, I have officially accepted an 18-month full-time temporary contract with Southeast Regional Library in Weyburn, an hour south of Regina. The other offer was a full-time permanent position with the Provincial Library and it had a very strong appeal as […]