Monthly Archives May 2007

A Quick Update From BC

I'm sitting at the Kelowna Public Library using a temporary barcode and password (do all public libraries have this option for visitors?  They should!) to check e-mail after a very long day.  (I start to shake if I don't check e-mail at least every second day.) The funeral was good – the Royal Canadian Legion did a […]

Four Steps To A Happy Baby

Mike T. sent this along and I'm reprinting it with his permission (though technically, I only asked if I could reprint the list – I hope he doesn't mind me reprinting the whole e-mail.) Enjoy.  I know that you probably won't believe me, but the first month is actually really easy compared to months 2-18.  […]

Link Dump

I don't do a lot of link dump posts but I've had a few things sitting open in tabs for the past couple weeks that had the potential to be full-fledged posts…except now, the baby has all but wrecked my ability to write anything for an extended length of time so this is what you […]

"Who Are Three People Who Have Never Been In My Kitchen, Alex?"

Michelle is reading “Microserfs” and took up the meme in that book of defining herself by her dream Jeopardy categories.  Cool idea – here's mine:The BeatlesUseless Pop Culture Trivia21st Century American PoliticsNonfictionPotent PotablesOpera (because there's always that one category where you go, “ah, crap”…even when picking for yourself, I guess!) Here's a good article on […]

Friday Fun Link – A Fair(y) Use Tale: The Disney Copyright Video (March 25, 2007)

(Thanks to Kerry M. for the timely tip that allows me to do a post relevant to both babies and libraries!)

The Happiest Baby on the Block – "The Fourth Trimester" Theory

Three posts in a row?  Wow – I must be catching up on my e-mail backlog a bit!  (Don't worry, the baby is right here, sleeping on my chest helping me type the entries. )  A friend passed this along.  I know we're going to get all kinds of tips and advice in the coming […]

CLA New Librarians Interest Group Survey

With the CLA conference coming up (already on?  What day is it again???), the New Librarians Interest Group is doing a survey of students and recent grads to explore why (or why not) they attend the annual conference.  I think this one is well-worth filling out as this is a pretty important topic and depending […]

An Italian Lesson

The grandparents bumped into somebody in the elevator at the hospital this weekend who mentioned that Pace also means “peace and harmony” in Italian (if you follow this link, click on the volume icon to hear it pronounced) as well as Middle English.  We didn't know that but that's cool too.  As with the nickname […]

Oscar Comes Home (And Apparently Likes It)

(Man, it's going to be hard to get away from calling him Oscar! Also, thanks to everyone for the e-mails, blog comments, Facebook posts and even the occasional phone call!  It's going to take me a long time to catch up on the backlog (and I might never) but we do appreciate all of the […]

Parenting Analogies?

Just whipped home to pick up a few things, fill up the car, charge the cell phone (we have Shea's mom's since that's one piece of techno-geekery that hasn't engulfed me yet) and so on.  It's only been a couple days but I've been trying to come up with an analogy for what parenthood is […]