Tag Archives: unitedstates

Music Monday – “Marched into the capital brooding duplicitous/Wicked and able, media-ready/Heartless, and labeled/Super US citizen, super achiever/Mega ultra power dosing, relax/Defense, defense, defense, defense”

Originally about the Reagan years but the sentiment applies to most right-wing governments including Trump’s… “Ignoreland” – R.E.M. (Side note: “Ignoreland” is my least favourite song on probably my most favourite album of all-time.  Wish it had been on “Monster” instead.)

The “Christianity” of Mike Pence

Seems timely…  

Friday Fun Link – “Songbird” Trailer

How did I miss that Michael Bay had produced a Covid-19 themed movie early during the pandemic that started production in May 2020 and was released in December? The reviews are predictably bad but I’d probably still watch it.

What In The Flying Fuck Was That? #tre45on #trumptreason #uspoli #CheetoMussolini #HairHitler #TrumpleThinskin #YallQaeda

So Washington DC basically became like something from a movie today as Trump held a big rally at the same time as Congress was certifying the Electoral College results (normally, a formality but with all the talk of “rigged elections”, various Republicans were going to try to gum up the process as much as possible) […]

Two Big Battles I’m Watching Tonight…

Man, I hope the two Democrats win the Georgia run-off elections and the Democrats take control of the Senate.  After the long delay to confirm Biden as President-elect, this would be the cherry-on-top of delayed results! Less impactful but no less entertaining, I’m also hoping Team Canada can once again win Gold at the World […]

Google’s 2020 Year in Search (And A Couple Other Year-in-Review Compilations Too)

And since it was such a memorable year, I’ll add a couple other “year in review” compilations… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjbLY46Vaq8    


After a very strange, long, historic year, it feels pretty monumental that the UK is the first country rolling out their Covid vaccine starting today (okay, Russia actually started a few days ago but I think the UK is getting all the attention since that’s the Pfizer one most of the world will be using) […]

Trump’s Venn Diagram

Multiple Thoughts on Multiple Elections #skpoli #yqr #yxe

In order… SASK PROVINCIAL ELECTION (OCT 26) 1.  In my initial post-mortem, I chalked up at least one big factor in the NDP’s failure to do well up to people wanting the status quo during a pandemic.  (This was bolstered by the BC NDP actually growing their majority a few days earlier.)  But as detailed […]

Music Monday – “Oh beautiful, for spacious skies/For amber waves of grain/For purple mountain majesties/Above the fruited plain”

“America The Beautiful” – Ray Charles