Tag Archives: philosophy

Music Monday – “Everybody chasing something/I don’t know why they’re running/I take my time to the finish line/‘Cause we all end up with nothing”

“Trailer Hitch” – Kristian Bush

Mo Money, Mo Kittens

In the 2009 and 2013 Sask NDP leadership races, I was *very* opinionated and that often left me at cross-purposes, as an active member of Ryan’s team but also as a  blogger/Facebooker/Tweeter with my own thoughts, opinions and ego who didn’t mind getting into discussions and sharing my observations – respectful, heated or otherwise – […]

Public Service Announcement: Free Speech

As a massive believer in free speech, I love this XKCD comic! You absolutely have the right to say whatever you want (short of the illegal types of speech – hate speech and obscenity or shouting “fire” in a crowded theatre.) But you also have to accept that whatever you say might be criticized, questioned […]

Julie Payette Reminds Us We Live In A Universe Based On Fact, Not Opinion

Canada’s new Governor-General (and former astronaut) Julie Payette, created some controversy after her recent remarks at a science conference where she pointed out the absurdity of politicians still using their personal opinions to debate indisputable scientific facts such as the reality of climate change and the lack of similar evidence for beliefs such as astrology. […]

Friday Fun Link – Country Corner Donuts (and the Value of Immigrants) #yqr

I was scrolling through Facebook and came across a post by the good folks at Rebellion Brewing talking about a nearby donut shop which they frequent. (I love seeing locally owned businesses supporting each other like this!) That led me to a YouTube video of the donut shop’s owner which reinforced my strong belief that […]

Secular Sunday – Coca Cola Died For Your Sins? (Happy Easter!)

As a slight break from non-stop “Save the Library” posts lately, let’s just take a moment to appreciate the incredible crassness of this grocery store Easter display (which I saw on Reddit and I think is from somewhere in the US.) I’m not religious but even I went, “Wow?  Really??”  (Not the first time Easter […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – @SaskParty Provides $5.2 Million To Fund SILS Province-wide Library System (March 2010) #skpoli #saveSKLibraries

For Throwback Thursday, I’m posting an article I found in the Spring 2010 issue of the Saskatchewan Library Trustees Association newsletter – a happier time only seven short years ago when the province’s ten library systems joined together to form SILS, a province-wide public library consortium that was the culmination of decades of inter-provincial cooperation between […]

The Difference Between Liberals and Conservatives Is Deeper Than You Think

It might not be as simple as people consciously choosing which philosophies they prefer to follow – whether we’re liberal or conservative  might be part of our deeper psychology.   According to the experts who study political leanings, liberals and conservatives do not just see things differently. They are different—in their personalities and even their […]

Friday Fun Link – Politics By Profession

  This site breaks down the political preferences of different professions. No surprise to see that librarians tend to be very liberal leaning.  (I heard a good line recently – someone observed: “What’s the easiest way to tell if someone’s a liberal or a conservative?  Ask them if they’ve read a book in the past year.” […]

Friday Fun Link – A New Tradition? December 23 = Kid’s Christmas Donation Day?

Like a lot of parents, Shea and I struggle with how to make sure that our kids (especially Pace now that he’s getting older) understand that Christmas is not just about getting gifts but also about giving. Other years we’ve done things like put toys in Santa Anonymous Bins or other charitable giving.  But this […]