Tag Archives: philosophy

Opinion vs. Empathy

Saturday Snap – Not Sure If This Is A Picture Of Me Looking Back in Time or Looking Forward?

Pace and I looking at a Buffalo Rubbing Stone near Shea’s parents house…

Democratic Presidential Candidate, Andrew Wang, on Universal Basic Income

The guy seems like a longshot but so did Donald Trump four years ago!  

Secular Sunday – A dying man’s thoughts on stardust, a fortunate life, making the world a better place, and the randomness of it all.

Someone posted a link to this essay on FB and I wanted to repost the whole thing here as I thought it was very well-written and thought-provoking… Clarifying my final weeks Journal entry by Erik Olin Wright — Jan 18, 2019 Yesterday, I had a bone marrow biopsy to see if there were any prospects at all of […]

Secular Sunday – What Happens To Your Brain When You Quit Believing in God?

Very similar to the process of quitting cocaine or meth or ending a love affair apparently. (via Reddit)

Some Thoughts on the Changing Nature of Intellectual Freedom In Librarianship (Maybe?), The “Neutrality” Thing, and How I Sometimes Feel Like My Grandpa Missing The Boat on Elvis

So I recently got tagged on Twitter by a librarian colleague in Saskatoon (who is both a Mover and a Shaker!) asking if I (and a few other online librarian-types) had any thoughts on the changing view of intellectual freedom within the profession, especially in light of wider changes in society which I took to […]

Friday Fun Link – Minimal Turing Test

In computer science, the Turing Test is intended to tell if you can differentiate between who is human and who is a computer programmed to model human-like conversation in a text exchange between the two. The Turing test, developed by Alan Turing in 1950, is a test of a machine’s ability to exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, […]

Secular Sunday – Happy Blasphemy Day!

Apparently it’s International Blasphemy Day. Borrowed from an atheist I know on Facebook, here’s some self-criticism of some of atheism’s “untouchables” which I (mostly) agree with… In honour of International Blasphemy Day: Christopher Hitchens was an over-rated warmonger. Sam Harris frequently comes to conclusions first and then tries forcing the evidence to fit those conclusions. […]

Secular Sunday – How Secular Family Values Stack Up

Especially with what we’re seeing in the States with an alleged pedophile endorsing an accused rapist [edit: Kavanagh’s story is blowing up tonight with two new accusers coming forward and *way* worse allegations] who was picked by a serial adulterer (among Trump’s many other mortal sins) – all as part of the party of “family values” – […]

SF Books That Didn’t Belong in the Kid’s Section of the Library

I’ve always believed that science fiction is the single best type of writing to teach us about our own lives and society. So I’m absolutely fine when I think about sci-fi books with “inappropriate” content being put into the hands of kids even though the author of this article seems to think librarians put some books […]