Pace and I looking at a Buffalo Rubbing Stone near Shea’s parents house…
The guy seems like a longshot but so did Donald Trump four years ago!
Someone posted a link to this essay on FB and I wanted to repost the whole thing here as I thought it was very well-written and thought-provoking… Clarifying my final weeks Journal entry by Erik Olin Wright — Jan 18, 2019 Yesterday, I had a bone marrow biopsy to see if there were any prospects at all of […]
Very similar to the process of quitting cocaine or meth or ending a love affair apparently. (via Reddit)
So I recently got tagged on Twitter by a librarian colleague in Saskatoon (who is both a Mover and a Shaker!) asking if I (and a few other online librarian-types) had any thoughts on the changing view of intellectual freedom within the profession, especially in light of wider changes in society which I took to […]
In computer science, the Turing Test is intended to tell if you can differentiate between who is human and who is a computer programmed to model human-like conversation in a text exchange between the two. The Turing test, developed by Alan Turing in 1950, is a test of a machine’s ability to exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, […]
Apparently it’s International Blasphemy Day. Borrowed from an atheist I know on Facebook, here’s some self-criticism of some of atheism’s “untouchables” which I (mostly) agree with… In honour of International Blasphemy Day: Christopher Hitchens was an over-rated warmonger. Sam Harris frequently comes to conclusions first and then tries forcing the evidence to fit those conclusions. […]
Especially with what we’re seeing in the States with an alleged pedophile endorsing an accused rapist [edit: Kavanagh’s story is blowing up tonight with two new accusers coming forward and *way* worse allegations] who was picked by a serial adulterer (among Trump’s many other mortal sins) – all as part of the party of “family values” – […]
I’ve always believed that science fiction is the single best type of writing to teach us about our own lives and society. So I’m absolutely fine when I think about sci-fi books with “inappropriate” content being put into the hands of kids even though the author of this article seems to think librarians put some books […]
“Trailer Hitch” – Kristian Bush