Tag Archives: philosophy

Secular Sunday – None of This Really Matters, None of It’s For Us, and We Don’t Know Why

A bit of a different take on my usual Secular Sunday posts poking fun at religion…a very serious, deep reply to a Reddit question about “What are some dark realities people are in denial about?”

Secular Sunday – What’s The Oldest Religion in the World?

I mean, humans have been making up gods to worship, probably since their brains were capable of such a thing, but I believe this short clip is talking about which is the oldest of the current major world religions…

Secular Sunday – Argument From Poor Design

There’s a lot of reasons to not believe in God but the “Argument From Poor Design” – basically a list of reasons a perfect creator still put a bunch of useless/poorly designed parts into human beings and other animals is one of my favourites.

New Psychology Research Indicates a Robust Predictor of Atheism in Adults

A lot of atheists pride themselves on having amazing critical thinking skills as the reason they’re atheists. Turns out being an atheist might have more to do with what your parents did (or didn’t do) in terms of religious displays than anything you did yourself! Some research has shown that less displays of faith growing […]

Secular Sunday – We Are All Born Atheists…

Secular Sunday – Common Proofs of God’s Existence

Important Reminder For Atheists/Agnostics/Secular Humanists/NonBelievers Filling Out The Canadian Census

If you are “not currently a practising member of” any religion, CFIC encourages you to select “No religion” on the 2021 Census, regardless of how you were raised, previous beliefs, or cultural affiliation.   From the Canadian Centre for Inquiry… Most of you have now received your invitation from Statistics Canada to complete the 2021 […]

Secular Sunday – No, Jesus Wasn’t White



Toxic Positivity

I saw this in the context of someone dealing with cancer but I can think of lots of other situations – workplaces, volunteer organizations, schools, families, life during Covid in general – where everyone is encouraged to act as if everything is good and positive and happy instead of acknowledging that things might be less […]