Tag Archives: language

Art and Music In Relation To Space and Time

This quote is pretty profound…

Friday Fun Link – This App Guesses Your Myers-Briggs Type Based On Your Reddit Posting History

I’m usually ENFP whenever I take the Myers-Briggs test and this app thinks I’m INTP so half right?

Secular Sunday – Judgement Is Executed on Covid By Evangelical Leaders

This’ll show Covid! (Fun challenge – pretend you know nothing about this video and watch with the sound off then see if this guy seems at all healthy or well-balanced.)  

My Thoughts On Some Controversial Library Opinions

There was a good Twitter thread recently which posed a simple question: “What’s your controversial library opinion?” I thought it might be interesting to record some of my responses to these opinions whether I agreed or disagree (if this isn’t clear, all the bolded opinions below were submitted by Twitbrarians and the plain text under […]

Saturday Snap – Divided Family?

‘Tis the time of year when lawn signs spring from the ground for the provincial, municipal and school board elections (why are school boards elected but not library boards?  Topic for a different post I think!) Anyhew, had a chuckle when a neighbour noticed our signs – one clearly for the NDP but the municipal […]

Music Monday – “I got 500 dollars in cash in case they don’t take AMEX/She wanted to see me so now I’m headed to/The Annex Sorority house, she snuck me in, she tried to/Keep quiet, couldn’t hold it in”

Pretty cool that a U of R grad has hit the top of the BBC Asian music charts and gone viral on TikTok with this song… “Young Shahrukh” – Tesher

The Alt-Right Playbook: You Go High, We Go Low

This video has some good insights into modern politics and especially in light of current battles over seating Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsburg’s replacement.  It looks specifically at some of the reasons why liberals struggle against conservatives who are less likely to be bound to rules and precedent in their pursuit of power.  

What Anti-Mask People Sound Like To Me…

[Inspired by every Facebook thread about masks I’ve ever seen and the beautiful rants of Brent Terhune…] “Listen up sheeple! Wal-Mart thinks they can make me wear pants in their store just because they have a legal right to set policies for their own store and just because the government says pants are necessary to […]

10 Things I Love About Our Various Google Nest Devices

When we bought our new house, we also got a much faster Internet connection which is part of the reason I started getting more into smart home devices – Internet-enabled security cameras, multi-coloured LED lights we can control remotely, smart TVs and eventually about half a dozen various Google Nest smart devices placed strategically around […]

Friday Fun Link – Canadian Perverts

Jim Gaffigan who is known as a pretty clean, dad-bod-type comic gets downright raunchy after a visit to <checks notes>…Regina, Saskatchewan?!?