My 2022 Stanley Cup Predictions (and hey, @NHL get your shit together!)

Haven’t done this for a couple years but here’s my picks for the Stanley Cup Playoffs…

Well, sort of.  Unless I’m missing something, the geniuses at the NHL have apparently managed to create a highly touted interactive feature that has a pop-up “Tiebreaker” box that can’t be moved or cancelled (at least on a Macbook Air using Chrome) so you can’t pick either team from the East or West at the bottom of the bracket to advance to the Finals.

I’m sure it works on mobile and I could login there to check but if what I’m seeing is happening for others, that’s stunning really.  Did *no one* test this site?  Hell, I used to test on multiple browsers/platforms when I did web design IN NINETEEN NINETY-SEVEN! (Netscape Navigator FTW, baby!)

Anyhow, I didn’t put a lot of thought into my picks since there’s always an upset or three and usually hard to predict (did anyone pick St. Louis to go all the way a few years ago?  Not me!)

Probably the only change I’d make to my bracket if it wasn’t for my tech glitches was to go with the sentimental choice and pick my Flames to go all the way (which also feels like a jinx since, as I told nine-year old Sasha, “wearing our jerseys and flying that car flag help the Flames win, the same way saying “shutout” means the goalie won’t get a shutout.”

But I’ve also got the Wild as my dark horse in these playoffs so why not pick them to go all the way instead?

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