Today marks 13 years since I started at Regina Public Library on September 8, 2008 (and I got to celebrate by taking a rare opportunity to exercise some front-line librarian muscles by reading a couple stories to a grade 3/4 class that visited our branch today!) If I had a traditional 30-year career, I’d be […]
This is fun. I’ll post the 10 words I picked below and my results but would encourage you click that link before looking at my answers so you’re going in fresh and unbiased. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . […]
This thread may be the biggest shit show in the history of CalgaryPuck, a Calgary Flames fan site/message board I’ve been reading since 2001. What starts as a discussion of the Jets announcing they’ll require proof of vaccination devolves as a series of antivaxxers keep popping up to make all sorts of logically and factually […]
Goolie was originally a derogatory term referring to people of Icelandic descent who settled in Manitoba. The derivation of the word remains a mystery. The most plausible origin I encountered while researching When Falcons Fly was that the first Icelandic settlers had thick Norse accents and pronounced the word “goalie” as “goolie.” Interestingly, the word […]
This is a fascinating thread which encompasses a lot of interesting ideas – tribalism, how people get sucked further into wilder conspiracy theories, and even whether QAnon is showing signs of moving from a fringe political theory into a full-fledged religion. it’s conceivable to conceptualize political tribalism (& perhaps even cultism), through an addiction model […]
Somebody sent this tool around at work so I thought I’d post it here (though if you know how I feel about copyright, you’ll know that I’m also not the best person to ask about whether something falls under copyright or not as I have a *very* generous understanding of what constitutes “fair dealing”!) 🙂
The single best presentation I did in library school was on the evolution of streaming video online and how it’s biggest benefit was how online video eliminates constraints of both time and distance that all previous dominant mass communications mediums – radio, television – suffered from. Like most 70s kids, I was pretty obsessed with […]
“It’s A Good Life (If You Don’t Weaken)” – The Tragically Hip with Feist