Music Monday – “Whereas some of us weren’t always fair/To the Native kid on borrowed skates/Chippy Goolies and Ukrainians/In the corners with our elbows up”

Goolie was originally a derogatory term referring to people of Icelandic descent who settled in Manitoba. The derivation of the word remains a mystery. The most plausible origin I encountered while researching When Falcons Fly was that the first Icelandic settlers had thick Norse accents and pronounced the word “goalie” as “goolie.” Interestingly, the word is specific to Manitoba and is unknown in other areas of Canada, Iceland, or parts of the U.S. such as Salt Lake City with large Icelandic populations. Today, the word has lost its insulting meaning and is considered a term of endearment for Manitobans of Icelandic descent. (source)” – John K. Sampson

(I was today days old when I realised this song title was also the URL of an actual petition that you can sign!)

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