Tag Archives: language

Secular Sunday – As Ramadan Begins, An Atheist Wonders If He’s A Hypocrite?

As Ramadan begins, it’s got me thinking about how (or if?) I balance my views about religion as an atheist with my desire to (try to) be kind and respectful and inclusive as a human being? I mean, you’re reading a recurring theme post I do most weeks called “Secular Sunday” that regulary pokes fun […]

Saturday Snap – “I’m Working With The Happy People Today!”

It’s funny how the most simple, brief exchange can stick with you forever and maybe even help remind you of what’s ultimately important in life. Many years ago, a former co-worker showed up and saw that she would be working with myself, another staff member who’s arguably about as universally loved as you can get […]

Saturday Snap – You Up For A Pint?

One of our neighbours occasionally texts “You up for a pint?” Most of the time he means beer but the other night, he showed up with a pint jar of homemade moonshine his co-worker had given him. (Apparently the secret is to dissolve Jolly Rancher candies in the mixture?!?)

Music Monday – “I’m discovering uses for you I thought I’d never find/I could’ve made chancellor without you on my mind.”

“Chancellor” – Gord Downie

Happy Two’s Day!

Music Monday – “We’re gonna spite our noses/Right off of our faces/There won’t be nothin’ but big old hearts/Dancin’ in our eyes.”

Any woman who would let me play this song as a “Last Dance” song at the end of the night during our wedding reception (to counter-point our first dance song) is okay by me. Happy Valentine’s Day, Shea!  Love you very much! “In Spite Of Ourselves” – John Prine

Wordle? Why Yes, I’m Something of an Authority Myself…

Well, maybe not an authority but a recent blog post may have at least convinced a couple people at the Mother Corp that I should be interviewed for a CBC story about the game! 😉 (And I’m going to lose sleep tonight thinking how that beautiful pre-planned quote came off worse than I intended simply […]

Friday Fun Link – Sweardle (A Wordle Parody Site)

In light of the Wordle craze, this site feels inevitable.

“The Hangover” Blooper Reel


Friday Fun Link – Wordle, The Latest Online Craze

Wordle is the latest craze to sweep the online world. If you haven’t played, you get six chances to guess a five letter word.  After entering your first guess, it will tell you if you have a letter in the right spot (green) or a right letter but in the wrong spot (yellow). Then, sort […]