Tag Archives: language

Secular Sunday – Bible Says “Being Gay Is Fine As Long As You’re High”

Wisdom Wednesday – Famous Movies Renamed Using Corporate Speak

@wankernomics We’ve been renaming classic movies in corporate speak. We think you’ll love the ones we’ve done so far. If you like this, come see the new Wankernomics show, touring Australia and the UK from March. Details at Wankernomics.com/live (link in bio) #wankernomics #workhumour #worklife #funny #jargon #buzzwords ? original sound – Wankernomics

Friday Fun Link – New Yorkers Say “I Love You” In 100 Languages

Wisdom Wednesday – How Do Companies Come Up With Their “Values”

Actions speak louder than words… @wankernomics Ever wondered how companies come up with meaningless ‘Organisational Values’ like Integrity, Respect, Innovation and Excellence? Watch this video to find out how. If you like this type of stuff come to the all new Wankernomics show touring Australia and the UK this year. It’s an all-staff meeting brought […]

“Morning Ralph, Morning Sam.”

So I’m in bargaining this week for our CUPE local and all I can think of is old cartoons…

Wisdom Wednesday – Deconstructive Criticism

Had an interesting conversation with a colleague recently who said “I’m more of a person who critiques than has ideas” and I replied “Actually, I think those are the same thing.  The only difference is how they are delivered and more importantly, how the other person receives them.  But they’re both ideas at their core.” […]

Secular Sunday – Atheists “Have Higher IQ Level”

If you read the Bible and think it’s anything other than fiction, it’s not that hard to have a higher IQ.

Wisdom Wednesday – Anger Management? What About Stupidity Management?

We have anger management but we don’t have stupidity management – why? @itsdavidblaze Anger Management vs Stupidity Management ? original sound – David Blaze

Music Monday – “So I’ll go but I’m telling you/I don’t wanna go/Could be stuck here and happy/So there’s a puzzle I work on endlessly/And I’ve got the sides and all the corners/But there’s a space/Yeah there’s a space/Lost some pieces I can’t replace/So I’ll be but I’m telling you/I don’t wanna be/Just a wasted puzzle piece”

I posted this song in August 2012 after hearing it on Community Radio one morning.  Who knew that twelve years later, it would be so relevant to my life with elderly parents including one with dementia… “Basket” – Dan Mangan (I don’t think I’ve ever done this before but here are the song lyrics in […]

Secular Sunday – Peace on Earth?