Tag Archives: education

“Books” by Jesse Welles

One of my favourite creators on TalkTick… @jessewelles #SiNgErSoNgWrIteR #OrIgInAL #song #CoUnTrY #folk #booktok ? original sound – Welles

Secular Sunday – Bible Says “Being Gay Is Fine As Long As You’re High”

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Bring It On, USA! (October 2013)

Actually, please don’t. Let’s solve our (your) issues through diplomacy and negotiation, not war and violence.

Music Monday – Kendrick Lamar’s Halftime Show Deconstructed

Secular Sunday – Explain It To Me Like We’re In Bible Study

Saturday Snap – Thank You Card

I’ve had colleagues who say that when you work for a public library, you really work for your colleagues, your clients and your community. Never feels more true when I come into find a giant thank-you card signed by a bunch of the kids I interacted with at a recent school visit.

Friday Fun Link – How Finland Rebuilt Their Economy And Became The Happiest Nation on Earth

In 1945, Finland was poor and war-torn. They owed 6% of their GDP to the Soviets—annually. Today, it consistently ranks as the world's happiest country. Meanwhile, America isn't even in the top 20. Here's how Finland rebuilt from nothing: pic.twitter.com/fy2NCEJj9o — Neal Taparia (@nealtaparia) December 23, 2024  

Secular Sunday – Who Do American Evangelicals Really Worship?

Saturday Snap – First Day of Last Semester of High School!

A different energy and enthusiasm level than the first day of kindergarten… 😉  

Wisdom Wednesday – Pierogi Song

A colleague and I got talking about how we love “factory movies/how things are made” movies and she reminded me of this Sesame Street classic: