Tag Archives: economics

Friday Fun Link – Fuck Professionalism: Creating A Workplace That Works For All

So much of what we’re taught to believe from our earliest days, by our parents, by our schools, by popular culture, is outdated, incorrect and potentially even harmful such as the notion of “professionalism“.

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – One Year Ago, I Had Shingles (June 2022)

…replaced on my roof about a year after a major hailstorm ripped through north Regina and punched machine-gun holes in most houses’ siding in our neighbourhood.  (Our next door neighbours just got their siding done this week!) In a weird way, this was perfect timing as our house had original shingles that were end-of-life so […]

2022 SPL Report To Our Community

Always interesting to look at other library system’s annual reports at what’s similar, what’s different and also to spark ideas and inspiration.

Biggest Challenge: “We’re a small city with a relatively big stadium.”

Yes.  This is quite the challenge we face here in our little prairie city that’s run by people who want to pretend we’re a much bigger city like Calgary or Edmonton or Winnipeg so they push to build giant state-of-the art arenas.  And ball stadiums.  And the best football stadium in the country while showing […]

Music Monday – “I’d get it one piece at a time and it wouldn’t cost me a dime/You’ll know it’s me when I come through your town/I’m gonna ride around in style, I’m gonna drive everybody wild/’Cause I’ll have the only one there is around”

“One Piece at a Time” – Johnny Cash

Saturday Snap – “Sasha’s, Not Yours”

As she gains more independence, we’ve occasionally been letting Sasha walk to the nearby convenience store to use her allowance money to buy a treat. Apparently that independence also extends to letting everyone in the family know exactly who bought the unique Warheads-flavoured soda!

Big AI Announcements From TikTok, Boston Dynamics, RepLit, Apple

Big announcements in the world of AI today from TikTok, Boston Dynamics, Replit, and Apple. Here's the rundown on everything you need to know: — Rowan Cheung (@rowancheung) April 27, 2023

10 Reasons We’ve Ended Up With The World’s Most Bougie Dog

We got the first delivery of a monthly subscription of dog toys & treats called “Woof Pack” today and as I thought about how neither myself (“Beer of the Month“) nor Shea (“Wine of the Month“) or Pace (“Soda Pop of the Month“) or Sasha (“Japanese Snack of the Month“) have ever had a subscription […]

Secular Sunday – The Mormon Church is a $250 Billion corporation.

(via Reddit)

Saturday Snap – 50 Foot Leash = Good Investment

Bought Charlie a fifty foot leash and it’s a great way to take advantage of the huge green space behind our house and let him basically be “off-leash” without actually being off-leash (now if we could convince the various other dog owners that use the space that it’s not actually an off-leash park, that would […]