10 Reasons We’ve Ended Up With The World’s Most Bougie Dog

We got the first delivery of a monthly subscription of dog toys & treats called “Woof Pack” today and as I thought about how neither myself (“Beer of the Month“) nor Shea (“Wine of the Month“) or Pace (“Soda Pop of the Month“) or Sasha (“Japanese Snack of the Month“) have ever had a subscription box for our own interests, how did we end up with the world’s most bougie dog?

  1. It starts with getting our dog from a breeder instead of a rescue.  (Cue middle class progressive guilt.)
  2. He has a custom made golden name tag with all his relevant info.
  3. He also has an Air Tag in a custom holder on his collar.
  4. Probably the first (and worst?) sign that he was going to be a bougie dog was when we bought him Himalayan Yak Cheese to gnaw on soon after we got him based on the recommendation of one of Shea’s coworkers.  Himalayan Yak Cheese?  C’mon!
  5. All of us have stayed away from his kennel in the living room because “Charlie is sleeping.”
  6. Instead of “Regular”, we bought him “Kiwi Blossom” scented shampoo.
  7. We have bought him treats that sound better than some of the food I eat.
  8. We bought him a costume at Halloween.
  9. He got his own stocking at Christmas.  (In our feeble defence, we did not sink to having his name embroidered on it.)
  10. Did I mention he has a monthly subscription that delivers toys and treats to our door called “Woof Pack”?  I mean, who are we?!?

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