Tag Archives: economics

Secular Sunday – Trump Brand Bible

Sigh.  Here we go again… This is basically what drove Christ to flip the tables. https://t.co/cV0ia9YQuN — Jennifer Erin Valent (@JenniferEValent) January 19, 2025  

Wisdom Wednesday – Let’s Stop Calling It Burnout and Start Calling It What It Really Is

@hendycreek Burn out is really just your body and mind catching up with the fact that the world has been expecting too much of you because late stage capitalism has ingrained in us the need to constantly be working – both professionally and personally. #burnout #capitalism ? original sound – Hendy Creek

Wisdom Wednesday – Why Workplace Well-Being Programs Don’t Work

In essence, organizations focus wrongly on trying to “fix” individuals (I-Frame) rather than the systemic (S-Frame) issues that create or exasperate mental health issues for staff.

Bugs on Parade?

using the bugs life speech over this luigi mangione edit was so fucking REAL actually pic.twitter.com/53Q65wuLb3 — jorts!? (@BBC0RPSE) December 23, 2024  

Wisdom Wednesday – Kindness Isn’t About Individuals, It’s About Culture

A way to change your frame – “kindness isn’t about individuals, it’s about the wider workplace culture.” Ask yourself – is your organization led by people who are kind or not?  Is this a common trait that is exhibited by all managers?  If one manager leaves, do a huge majority of staff lament the loss […]

Turmoil in Liberal Party

Why do politicians (and other powerful people – I’m looking at you Ruth Bader-Ginsburg) always hold on too long? Trudeau should’ve read the tea leaves a long time ago and stepped down when going through his separation which would’ve been the perfect “out” for him that wasn’t embarrassing or tarnishing his legacy.

Wisdom Wednesday – Very Good Media Communications From Union Leader During Postal Strike

Has strong command of the facts Knows the history of long-ago negotiations that influence this round of bargaining Clarifies that everything that Canada Postal workers have which others without might see as “too generous” or “too much” is because all of these things were ultimately agreed to by management and/or changes in labour legislation. And […]

There Ain’t No “You” In “United Health” – Jesse Welles

Not going to wait for Music Monday to post this – so good and timely.  

Wisdom Wednesday – The Killing of United Healthcare’s MBA CEO

I’ve been reading a lot about the early Wednesday morning murder of the CEO of United Healthcare who was killed while walking into a shareholder’s meeting at a New York City hotel. Although things are still fresh, details aren’t fully known and, as I type this, the killer is still at large, it would appear […]

Friday Fun Link – Vegas 1992

My first trip to Vegas was around 1992-1993, my second was around 2010 and my most recent was earlier this year.  So pretty wild to look at a video from around the time of my first visit and compare it to how much has changed in the last thirty or so years!