Saturday Snap – Coyotes

Shea was up before me the other morning and got to see these visitors in the green space just outside our fence…

Friday Fun Link – 110 Random Facts I Had To Double Check To Believe

I asked my daughter what I should post for this week’s Friday Fun Link and she said “Search up ‘fun facts’ on YouTube”.

This was the first result…

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Lest We Forget (Grandpa Peet, circa 1944?)

My Grandpa Peet drove a tank in Holland during the war (Grandpa Hammond couldn’t enlist due to health reasons so he supported the war effort by continuing to farm back in Canada.)

That’s why Remembrance Day is perhaps when I think of my Grandpa Peet more than any day of the year…the life he led, the experiences he had, the values he embodied and passed on to me.


First Snow of the Year (2021 Edition)

Always nice when the snow holds off until mid-November.  Makes winter feel just a bit shorter…

This Anti-Vax Single Mother’s Series of Posts Could Be A PSA For *Getting* Vaccinated

This tragic series of posts by an anti-vax single mother as she catches Covid, is hospitalized, sees her condition worsen, begs for people to donate money and take care of her family if she passes then eventually dies could be an effective public service announcement *in favour of* vaccination.

This is one of the top Reddit comments:

Nurse here. This is definitely one of the best, most potent stories I’ve seen from this sub so far, and seeing it documented from her perspective as a patient shows just how fucking little reality gives a shit about your opinions when it comes to medical science.

I see the cold, relentless nature of reality in the oncology unit every shift. It’s the passage of time , the real-time progression of a disease state that is lost on the public. Until you experience this yourself, you’ll never feel that fear or see doom in a person’s eyes. Documenting in the fashion does help convey this phenomenon.

I feel for those innocent kids. It’s sickening the pain Anti-Vaxxers are inflicting on their families.

Just horribly devastating that vaccination has become so politicized and has so much misinformation around it that people are dying rather than doing the safe, effective thing and getting vaccinated to maximize their chances of survival during a worldwide pandemic. 🙁

Music Monday – “You shut your mouth/How can you say/I go about things the wrong way?/I am human and I need to be loved/Just like everybody else does”


How Soon is Now?” – Johnny Marr

Secular Sunday – We Are All Born Atheists…

Saturday Snap – Swimming Lessons in the Age of Covid

Sasha missed her first week while we were waiting for a Covid test result (luckily negative!)

Then when we arrive for this week, it’s a very different experience than ever before – proof of vaccination to enter a city facility, get a stamp to confirm to any other staff that we were screened by their security guard, required to wear a mask in the pool area (I usually don’t mind wearing a mask for extended periods but 30 minutes in a muggy pool area was tough!)

I almost wondered if we’d see a kid with a full-face snorkel mask on!?! 😉

Friday Fun Link – The Literature Clock

This site is pretty cool – it tells you the time by showing a quote from a book that happens to reference whatever time it is at the moment…




Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Birthday Cake (May 2016)

Pace’s ninth birthday…