Friday Fun Link – 1953 Pro Wrestling Match

Fascinating to see how pro wrestling used to be presented…

It’s not really fair as a comparison since it’s a compilation of his “greatest hits” rather than a single match.  But here’s a clip of some highlights from one of the most dynamic, innovative wrestlers competing today…

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Smile! (May 2014)

I love watching my kids grow but I miss when they were small too…mostly because you could dress them in ways that were as entertaining to you as a parent as anything!

I’ve Officially Become #OldPeopleFacebook

Got home and Shea said “Why did you post the word ‘Mark’ on your Facebook today?”



So I look:

My boss’s name is Mark but I don’t even have him on Facebook.

I have another work colleague I interact with fairly regularly named Mark but same thing – not on my Facebook.

I do have a handful of Facebook friends named Mark but generally (thought I) know how Facebook works well enough to not type their name into the “What’s On Your Mind, Jason?” box instead of the “Search” box.

I can’t think of someone named Mark that I just met today that I may have been trying to Google Stalk.

The time stamp was weird too – this was posted mid-afternoon at a time when I was in a meeting.  Admittedly, it *was* a meeting with my boss Mark but it would be a seriously weird tech glitch for my phone to somehow hear me say my boss’s name, voice to text it, and then post it to Facebook?  (Though I’m definitely in the “Facebook does listen to your conversations even though they say they don’t” camp.)

At any rate, if Facebook is listening to me and posting stuff I say at work, I’m just glad that “Mark” was all it heard today! 😉

(I have another work colleague – not named Mark – who is very heavily into horror movies.  Maybe I should ask her for her theories?)

Oh, and in terms of the person who replied “Mark”, JP Porcaro is someone who ran for ALA President and is an American librarian who I’ve never met in real life but I added as a Facebook friend because I tend to be pretty promiscuous that way.  Perhaps he was making fun of me or perhaps he thought this was a new Facebook meme challenge?

“Always Have One More Person Than You Think You Need and 98% of Your Staffing Issues Vanish”

As Elon Musk (tries to) buy Twitter for <checks notes> $44 billion dollars and Jeff Bezos shoots cock-shaped rockets into space, it’s important to remember that there are normal people running businesses and organizations who are doing very basic, humane things to treat their employees well, respect their humanity, and ensure that they are focused on sharing, not being selfish (which, shockingly, also makes for a better, more profitable company with low turnover and a strong company culture.)

Music Monday – “She got a six-six-six/I’ve got my crucifix/She’s got a spinning head/Like seeing grateful dead”

Greedy Soul” – Liam Gallagher

Secular Sunday – The Only Demon Summoned Was A Scary Dad!

Sasha had her ninth birthday today and though we had a pretty mellow art/painting/Bob Ross theme for our budding artist, as most pre-teens have for years, someone ended up suggesting they do “Bloody Mary” in our bathroom.

Six girls crowded in the dark bathroom with the door closed and once I realised what was happening, I couldn’t help but have some fun with them…

It got even better a bit later.

You can hear a music box playing as they’re chanting in the video above and once the initial scare was over and they were back in my daughter’s room, I heard someone say “Hey!  Where’s that music box?”

Before her bedroom door could open, I rushed to the bathroom and pulled the door partially closed behind me.  The girls came streaming to the bathroom to get the music box, only to have me yell “Boo!” and scaring them again!

Later, it was fun to play dumb and ask them about what Bloody Mary was.  Apparently…
– if you chant “Bloody Mary” three or five times in a mirror, someone appears who wants to kill you.
– why would you do that if they might kill you?  “I don’t know but it never works anyhow.”
– “oh, the reason it never works is none of us are brave enough to go in and do it alone.  It only works if you do it alone.”
– one girl volunteers to go right then and do it alone but then gets cold feet.
– “Well, even if you’re alone, sometimes it doesn’t work unless you really say it and mean it” though I think she’s trying to convince herself more than the rest of us!

Not really Bloody Mary-related but a nine year old’s birthday is pretty much nirvana for dad jokes and quips.  So much fun!  🙂

Saturday Snap – My Good Deed For The Week?

Last week, a buddy who lives nearby asked if I’d help him move a fridge.

Since I was picking up a free growler of beer he’d offered, I felt like I had to say “yes” (just kidding – I would’ve said “yes” even without the beer bribe!)

But I misunderstood what he was asking.

I thought he wanted me to help lift the beer fridge in his garage into his truck – quick and easy.

Nope, turns out my buddy – who arguably is one of the most engaged giving people in the entire city by constantly supporting various causes, helping out with fundraisers, finding ways to help the less fortunate – had somehow found someone giving away a fridge and offered to transport it to another woman who needed a fridge.

We went to the first house and it was a woman who was going through a divorce and clearing out her house.  The fridge was HUGE but luckily my buddy’s brother was there wearing a “Powerlifting Saskatchewan” hoodie *and* with tools in his car.

It was still a bit of a battle to get the fridge out of the house but between the three of us, we managed to wrestle it out to the truck.

Then we got to the drop-off house and luckily (?) because the woman accepting the fridge had a son who uses a wheelchair, there was a ramp into the house and it was only going to the main floor kitchen right inside the back door.

So that part was a lot quicker and easier.

Oh, and then an unexpected encounter that’s maybe not so unexpected when you work in the library and get to know so many different people.  As we were leaving, the woman got a different delivery – her supper – which it turns out was delivered by a guy who was a regular at the library I used to work at!  “Do you live here?” he asked in confusion and I explained that no, I was just doing a different kind of delivery than he did.  We briefly caught up then my friend and I headed back to Home Depot to drop off the dolly he’d rented, grab a quick beer at a nearby pub before calling it a night and heading home to a hot bath to soak my already aching back!)

Friday Fun Link – 2022 Sask Book Awards Shortlist Announcement

I wasn’t able to pop over for the live announcement like I usually do (and with current Covid stats in Sakatchewan, maybe that’s okay too?)

But nice to have an archived livestream of this year’s SBA shortlist announcement…

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Playground (July 2012)

One Month To Camping (Maybe?)

Watched the Nickle Lake AGM livestream tonight (one good thing coming out of Covid is increasing use of video for things like this) and very excited to think that we might be in our campsite in a month…if it ever quits snowing so we don’t have to dress like this at our campsite!