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A Breakdown of My Facebook Friends

You know you are a nerd when you spend your New Year's Day eve classifying all of your Facebook friends into sub-groups using the site's new(ish?) “Friend List” option.I didn't put a lot of thought into my classification scheme so it's a bit random and not the most accurate thing in the world but basically, […]

2008 End of the Year Memes

[Edit: Changed date from January 1, 2009 to match the Dec 31 posting date I use every other year.] I did this in 2006 and again in 2007 so once again, here’s a quick summary of my 2008 in meme form: What did you do this year that you’d never done before? This is a bad start […]

Music Monday – "I was the one who let you know/I was just sorry ever after."

I attended an excellent Teen Literacy conference today, tomorrow's the wrap-up conference call for the Canadian Library HR Summit but instead of writing about either of those subjects, I think I'm going to introduce a new recurring feature that I've been thinking about adding to my blog for awhile.  Like the Friday Fun Links that […]

"I Hate Hate" – Jason's Pick For Song of Summer 2008

If you're a music fan, one of the rules is that there must be one song each year that becomes your Song of Summer.  Criteria for a successful Song of Summer include originality, catchiness and general sense of fun.  Ability to play the song about eight zillion times in a row, preferably in a car […]

Free-Range Parenting (aka "Parents These Days!")

Shea's on a mommy board (er, an online message board for moms if that's not clear) where they're currently having a discussion about “free range parenting”.This is the idea that you should allow your children lots of freedom to explore, learn and become self-reliant (ie. presumably the way that many of us grew up.)  From […]

The US Election – Less Than 365 Days Left!

I follow US Presidential politics and this year is shaping up to be one of the most interesting elections in a long time – because of the Iraq War, because of the razor-thin margins (and resulting controversy) of the last two elections in 2000 and 2004, because the Democrats made a stunning comeback in the […]

John Wellington "Wally" Peet (1919-2007)

Five Things Grandpa Peet and I Talked About During Pretty Much Every Conversation We Ever Had1. The Stock Market2. The Price of Oil 3. The Blue Jays4. The Weather5. The Stock MarketI was honoured to give the eulogy at Grandpa Peet’s funeral this year, him having passed away only a week after Pace was born.  […]

Eulogy For Grandpa Peet

(I mentioned a couple weeks ago that this eulogy had gone over very well and that I would post it when time allowed. A long weekend is ideal for catching up on all those loose ends and so here it is…)

About Me (A Timeline of My Life)

Following up on my promise from awhile ago to add an “About Me” page to this blog, I decided to do something a bit different than the traditional, paint-by-numbers, paragraph-long business-style bio or the fun but frivolous, paragraph-long informal version that many web sites have (er, no offense meant if that's what your web site […]

50 Ways To Improve FIMS

Here is the granddaddy of all library school lists – 50 ways that FIMS could be improved. Some are incredibly simple, small changes; some are pretty significant and maybe even unrealistic (or would require a lot of work and bureaucratic maneuvering which makes them unlikely to happen, even if they are possible.)