Search Results england

2010 “End of Year Questions” Meme: BC Bound, Getting Kinected, Hello SILS!

I’ve done this every year since I started this blog and once again, here’s a quick summary of my 2010 in meme form: 1. What did you do this year that you’d never done before? Since my grandparents lived in BC for most of my life (they left Saskatchewan the year I was born so how’s that […]

“Jason, Do You Have A Half-Baked Theory On Why People Are Religious?” Why, Yes I Do!

I’ve talked to many people over the years about religion and faith and have developed my own personal theory why I think people are religious. I know people will cite all kinds of different reasons for their faith – everything from that feeling of “there has to be something that created this” when you consider […]

10 Things I Thought I Might Blog About Today

Just as TV and video games are changing the neural pathways of kids, I think having a blog has had a similar effect on me. Throughout the day, I frequently think “Oh, that witty comment is something I should blog about” or “Hmm, that idea I came across on Huffington Post deserves sharing” or “I […]

When Did Librarianship First Enter The Picture As An Option For Me?

We had our annual New Staff Orientation Day on Friday.  It’s a day when we get all of the staff who’ve joined RPL within the past year to come in and hear from the various managers, committee members (eg. OH&S) and others with specialized positions (eg. our Assessment Librarian) about how all of the different […]

Should He Stay or Should He Go?

On AskMetaFilter, an anonymous poster who's getting married in June wants to know if he should take a month-long work-related trip to England for the month of May when his fiance isn't enthralled with the idea.  To me, this is an obvious “no”.  If you weigh those two things – a wedding (which *should be* […]

Music Monday – "I got a letter from the government the other day/Opened it and read it/It said they were suckers/They wanted me for their army or whatever"

When I was in England in 1995, this song (and the album it appeared on) were consistently rated at or near the top of the “best of” lists for that year by the NME, Melody Maker and Q.

Music Monday – "You know I've been drunk a thousand times/And these should be the best days of our lives"

Another in the never-ending series – Jason's fond memories of his semester in England…  Sometimes you just need a song that makes you get up and dance and this one fits the bill perfectly (especially when you're 22 and have a couple pints in you!)(Sorry – embedding disabled by request.  I'd link to a live […]

A 15 Year Old Intern in the UK Writes a Report For Morgan Stanley on How Teens Use Different Media Types –

You can read the report then the MetaFilter commentary to get an idea of why this report garnered such a reaction – positive, negative and just in terms of provoking conversation.The biggest thing to catch my eye?  In a report which has sections dedicated to discussing how young people use Radio, Television, Newspapers, Gaming, Internet, […]

Five Things I Learned at Image Cable Systems

I’m doing a series of posts on what I learned from the various jobs I’ve held in my life.  First up was a list of the five things I learned during my time at my hometown gas station when I was in high school.  Now, having signed up to do some volunteer phone calling for […]

Music Monday – "Past old crooked dykes/Through Yorkshire's green fields/We were flung into dance/As the train jigged and reeled" – February 9, 2009

If I had to pick a single song to define my time as an undergrad, it would likely be this one.  The song only took on more relevance after I went to York, England in 1995 for a four-month exchange.  I post it today in honour of Chris McG., one of the American exchange students […]